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About Merugear

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    Currently I'm an avid collector. Owning multiple copies of videogame consoles varying from the atari 2600 to a Phillips handheld prototype called the In2IT.<br /><br />I'm afraid I also overdid on Star Wars actionfigures, with me buying up entire lots of figures at cut-throat prices some time ago.<br /><br />Apart from that I am working on completing the Legend of Zelda videogame series. The rarest games in the collection are in my posession thankfully (a Zelda Watch with LED game in it, Game&Watch, Tingle's Balloon Fight and the Famicom Disks with the original japanese Zeldas on it all MIB).<br /><br />Aside from the games I now have all episodes of the X-files on DVD which I am avidly watching with my girlfriend.<br /><br />Also, I'm trying to complete my set of Discworld books and thanks to eBay I'm quite succeeding in that part as well.<br /><br />The Stormtrooper outfit is just one of many collectors-addictions I reckon :P

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  1. To have all of this over with once and for all: I do not want to join the Dutch Garrisson It's been three months or so and during all this time I've been publicly (and privately) harrassed by members of the 501st that somehow feel affected by all of this. Most not even living in the Netherlands. I still do not need to apologise for 'what I have done', since all I did was inquire. The only reason people go ballistic on me now is that I had the decency to put my conversations on here, and people started to make connections. If it was some old hag, none would have been paying much attention. This ordeal has nothing to do with me, being that if the DG had done 4 years ago what I did two or three months ago, they wouldn't be in trouble right now. I had every right to inquire about the weapons law, and if that is an action I am to be convicted for by all of you go ahead. "Since this all blew up, we had several police visits on other events, to check us out if we didnt break the law again." Yes, well and a good thing at that! As a member of the 501st you're supposed to be a perfect example to everyone etc. etc. so LFL won't look stupid. Heck just take one glance at the Legion Charter and you'd think that paying heed to local weapons laws would be in that list wouldn't it? And not to mention... Breaking the law is illegal. So why the hell are all of you cross with me? Cos you got caught and now have to face the consequences of it? I do not have to be more humble or less condescending, because I've been the target of so many bashes ever since this whole crapfest started, all because all of you bashers needed a scapegoat to bash. I had nothing to do with the police checking you out. I have no one to apologise to. Maybe the fact that you all were deliberatly carrying illegal weaponry around might have to do with the fact that you're under surveillance right now? Yes they are toy guns, but not by law. (If you happen to live in a country where guns are abundant, good for you. Here it works differently, live by it.) Accept it: You messed up. You fvcked over the Legion Charter by ignoring the local laws and got busted. End of story. Go and nag, bash or whatever at me for all you want, but that is the bare and cold truth my friends. The only ones being wrongfully condescending here are the people who feel that I should give an apology to them. I have nothing to do with it. The law was there all the time, and you were there waving your toy guns in the air, all knowing it was bloody illegal here. It was a matter of time, and I am sorry that I might have speed up the process, though it was inevitable regardless. As Daetrin said; look at the other Garrissons that are less fortunate and consider yourself lucky. So what if the police force pops up now and then? In a while their attention will diminish because they'll see what charitable people you really are. Heck, bond with them and make it fun. Show them what you do. Prove yourselves to them. They're all humans like us. It's an opportunity to create a bond of trust between the 501st and the police force/dept. of justice. And what if the attention does not diminish? So what? At least now you're certain the law's abided and there'll be more control at the events you're attending. You're still allowed to carry the white toy blasters... It is not the end of the world. You can still have fun with the police around, and even without blasters. Just some odd ideas, but print out an E11 blaster on cardboard paper and turn it into a pamphlet. Same size as a regular blaster, stack em up and put em in your holster, there you go. I do not wish to be part of the DG anymore, and if there's a Garrisson that does want to take me in, feel free to contact me. If all else fails, I'll just apply for a one-man Lone Wolf Squad if need be to get the perks of being a 501st member instead. This thread can be closed.
  2. I understand, it's just that all of this is getting to me, been getting responses like that for the past 2 months or so. Hectic private life juggling with work, school and work studies (going for my MCITP:SA) not to mention a 4 years lasting court case (hopefully) coming to an end this week regarding an accident that gave me permanent back injury (busdriver fell asleep during holiday trip, and we were in the bus) and the remembrance of my late father-in-law who tragically passed away last January at too young an age. It's just that I didn't mean to cause all this trouble, and am sorry for it. The reason for these (at times) harsh reactions is that I simply had enough on my mind allready apart from people calling me a git and a moron for trying to do the right thing. I may be blunt in voicing my opinion and I am sorry for that, it's just a character flaw I am all too well familiar with. Let's try to make this all a better place for all of us, that's what I intended to do from the start. Cheers, Vincent
  3. Very well, I apologise. Publicly, officially... Whatever you want. I am sorry for the troopers that have lost their guns, and gotten in to trouble, I am sorry for not thinking things over while I was excited with my armor and toy blaster that came in the mail that I asked the dept. of justice those questions. I am sorry that I am high-horsed, simple and a git. I am sorry that I appeared not to fit in this hobby for some of you. I am sorry that I assumed inquiring local weapons laws was the right thing to do. I am sorry this thread exists and that I have sent those mails. I am sorry that I ruined some of your precious time by posting here. I just want what all of you guys and gals want: to have fun. And this my friends, is not fun. So please, I realize I have done some dumb things, but be so kind to admit that it's just one side of the coin. I apologise. (if someone could translate this and add it to the DG forums (cos they're MEMBERS ONLY, which is why I haven't posted on it before, Werstrooper. I even asked for admission by mail but it was denied by the CO))
  4. To John, the DG and whoever feels affected by my actions: The CO did tell me not to wake the sleeping dogs but I probably did, even before I contacted him about it. I regret doing that, in such a way, that it has cost some people their investments and credibility and got them into trouble with the authorities. I am sorry for them to have been put in this predicament, as this was not my intention from the get-go. I just wanted clarity from the authorities. On the other hand I think that it's every Dutchman's duty to know the law, and therefore I still believe I was doing the right thing. Even if you help out sick kids and walk around in armor... Wearing white armor makes you stand out above the crowd. It does not, however, make you stand above the law. Emphasizing on the CO having warned me against asking the LEGAL authorities kinda puts all of this in an odd perspective: The young IT geek who wants to become a stormtrooper and asks the legal authorities if it's ok to bear toy guns just for the simple fact that he doesn't want to get his white plastic bottom harrassed when walking around with it is being warned by the local chapter of a worldwide charitable costume organisation condoned by a multi billion dollar franchiseholder who is directly affected by bad PR if the costume group messes up their public image somehow not to inquire the local authorities on their weapons law, cos they're all willingly walking around with illegal props and do not want to get busted. The only thing I blame myself for is that I've spent over 1000 euros and hours on friggin plastic, strapping and tupperware just to alienate myself from the group I am trying to belong to in the first place, just by thinking I was doing the right thing. I mean, you're all high profile, and every layman would see your gun as real if you're not covering yourself up in plastic and shout at them with it. And for that very same reason they're illegal here. And have been for quite some time I might add. So I thought all of you had your legality in check. Correspondance with the CO was slow for a while, and not having access to the forums, I decided to detour and ask the source of it all, namely 'Postbus 51', which is the national front-office for day-to-day questions regarding government policies. It's not that I bashed the Minister of Justice's door in shouting ¡¡OMG GUNZ!1!! allthewhile dragging police officers to event locations just to rat you people out or anything. It sucks bigtime to see such an investment in both time and money go to waste so easily, especially in times like these, and I truly feel bad for those who've gotten into more trouble because of this than they should have. I, like the majority of people, too think the authorities over-reacted. An official warning would've done the same. Even allowing the DG to turn in, or de-modify their props to make them legal again would've been a better course of action. Though I want to make one thing clear: It is not myfault this happened. I do not need to apologise for ANYTHING. If some people don't want me in their club cos mommy took away their cookie just for the simple fact that I asked mommy if it was ok to have a cookie just like theirs and they weren't supposed to have them in the first place... Fine. It would just show what kind of people I'd be dealing with were I allowed to join. To those still mad at me: Don't go all crusadey and offended, cos in the end it was their own decision to buy the bloody things and to walk around with them feeling awesome. It was the police's decision to apprehend them and to put a fine on it all. Be mad at them, not me. I'm just a simple guy who did what he thought was right. To the members of the DG: I am sorry that all of this has gotten some of you into trouble. I just hope we can mend the wounds that have been made, so that we all can see what we're really about: Having fun with eachother and being the best darn tooting stormtroopers there's ever been. If not, I hope there's any Garrisson out there that is willing to take me in instead . Vincent
  5. Some Thread revival LOL! Well being an avid gamer myself, here's my list of favorites! Rogue Squadron II (I was so psyched to see 'another star wars movie' as a game!) I really loved the FMV! They should make another one, though in HD! Screw GCI, we need actors and props and lasers! I always saw it as a nice addition to the realness of Star Wars, made the universe look more alive cos of semi-nameless people walking around with 'real' stormtroopers etc. just like the Ewok movies added a feel of: "hey they got kids just like me in that universe! (well sorta, I wasn't a nagging brat back then ). Force Commander! a 3D RTS and boy dit it rock my socks off when I played it! I like the story of the stormtrooper turned rebel general and such, it was fun . Apart from that the only star wars game I am playing is KOTOR2, though I am getting bored with Kreia. Think I'll go Sith on everybody and just spam dark force powers. Republic Commando was mindbogglingly awesome for me on my old computer, I was stunned that the graphics were soooo crisp and good back then . Well, waiting for Force Unleashed to come out on PC so I can play the story in HD instead of on my PSP.
  6. Personally I expected to see more of a 501st recruitment video. Basically HOAE is a biography on the founder of the 501st, Albin Johnson, and the incredible story of two kids and their parents whose lives have been touched by the 501st. It's not a bad movie, but I personally skipped through bits of the whole Albin Johnson part. I respect the man for what he has done and has endured, though when you're expecting to put in a DVD full of stormtroopers and watch it with the family, it doesn't hold up well for a 30 dollar DVD. It feels too personal, in such a way that it's a great DVD for people close to Albin and the others mentioned, with home videos being edited and talked together but it does drag on a lot if you're not familiar with the people depicted in the movie. At least, it did for me. The Jeremy Bulloch bonus interview though is awesome if you know the man, and if not, it's a great means of getting to know more about this great actor. For me, I bought the DVD and haven't watched it since. It's collectors material now . This is not a bash on the movie or such, it's just my little review to help members out. It's sometimes nice to read first-hand experience instead of the promo-blurb on the seller's site. If this offends someone in any way, feel free to edit or delete this comment.
  7. Well, sure shows a good amount of heroic self-sacrifice Joe . Relax and rejoice Vincent
  8. http://shop.starwars.com/catalog/product.x...duct_id=1314130 Should get one of those! I want one but I don't have a creditcard . Any troops willing to help me out, I got paypal! Also the Leia Bikini is up for sale there!
  9. Well I just checked the first online horseriding store in the vicinity and got me these:----------- As the size was a bit off I sent them back to get the right size with free shipping. I'm wearing them (black) now as we speak cos they delivered it a few minutes back. They're snug so I'll walk em in first before doing actual trooping. I got broad feet and boots like those aren't really forgiving on that part, so better make it a few sizes larger for safety. But, to come back on topic, those boots are like 31 euro's, smaller size are even 25 or such. It's a dutch webshop, and since I am dutch... Well it works for me . I am sure there's a lot of equestrian (or however the word goes) shops around the USA where you can buy just those shoes. Yes they are not easy to find in your local shoestore, but heck I think they're practically obligatory in the horse business! I really love this hobby of mine... To a layman, a big buff dude is buying tupperware, siphons, faucet covers and those really cute little horseriding boots on the internet. He scours the local market for fabrics and snaps, being practially the only man out there, with grannies telling him it is soo good to see the roles being turned for a change... He bugs the local sports store for tight-fitting leotards... Explaining you're planning to do charity work in a move costume really takes the edge off of it . Vincent
  10. Judging from your other costumes I am certain you're skilled enough to make some el cheapo jodphurs look like first-grade stormie boots! I had the luck of getting PVC faux leather boots, makes painting them a bit easier . Vincent
  11. Well if you need any help at all with the Academy, let me know Paul . I'll shut the wiki down
  12. Hey there people! As a lot of you guys and gals love the FISD printable compendium I made a while back, I thought "why not make a wiki out of it?" Well I did. It is extremely empty, it is extremely barebones and I haven't done ANYTHING to it apart from registering. So basically it's a placeholder. The goal of this little site is to centralise the tutorials and such, so we can easily relate one tutorial to the other. So right here, right now I am asking all those tutorial-writers here for a favor; if they could contribute to the wikia for all of us . I will do my fair share of things, but cos of the kidneystones acting up I won't be editing the wiki today. Any suggestions for logo's or favicons are welcome of course! ----- Lets make this thing happen troops ! Vincent
  13. Troopers helping Troopers . Looking forward to seeing your process Jo & Christiaan!
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