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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About cartermwebb

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Louisville, KY, USA

Standard Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Bluegrass Garrison

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  1. Thank you all for the help! All the resources were very valuable and I am now approved! TK-20520 https://ibb.co/kS1TbVL https://ibb.co/LrrZk38 https://ibb.co/SQLdBKJ You were a huge help!
  2. Please add me for stormtrooper status! (previous 501st but new TK-20520) https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=32506&costumeID=586
  3. Thank you for the feedback! I think I’ve got a plan for the thighs. I have a follow-up question for the lower legs/shins. I have large calves that only fit if the back seam butts rather than overlaps (which won’t work with Velcro). Does anyone have an example of the white cover strip for the rear seam as an expander? Thanks again!
  4. Here is the return edge misalignment after trimming to fit.
  5. Sorry having issues loading images. Here’s an example:
  6. Hello There! Hey I have a CRL question. Working on my Legacy Fem TK version A and I have to trim some pieces to fit correctly. This is causing an alignment issue with the return edge on pieces like my thigh plates. Example images of misalignment vs CRL. Nothing in the CRL states that there needs to be a return edge. I’m wondering if I can just remove it and easily smooth it out? Or do I need that bevel at the bottom to be approvable? Thank you for the help!
  7. Please enable my 501st access. DS/MW-20520 Bluegrass Garrison https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=32506&costumeID=586
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