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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About planktonimore

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Dune Sea Garrison

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  1. TK 12657 requesting detachment access. https://www.501st.com/members/searchresults.php?criteria=tkid&searchfield=12657
  2. The speaker in the abdomen is a great Idea! I might use that. The costume is all completed and everything is fitting great. I got approved a few days ago and am now officially a member of the Dune Sea Garrison!
  3. Okay so the thighs are trimmed and re glued. It looks like the fitment is MUCH better!
  4. Got it, no coloring the foam! If those boots are good enough for basic approval, that will be enough for now and I can replace them later on when I go for high levels. It seems the only boots anywhere that have no seams are keep trooping boots so I’ll try to snag some next time they are selling. I noticed the hand plates too and am working on moving them. Luckily they are currently just held on with velcro and elastic straps so I can move them easily. Thanks guys for your help! I shall post updates soon.
  5. Cool. I have some green foam I can color black with a marker or something. After the new cuts are done gluing I can foam them up. Just fitting my shins after elastic glue dried and it looks like they are already skinny enough so as to not look out of place with thighs but only time will tell. Side note, how do these boots look? will they be approvable?
  6. I see. and when you say foam do you mean like eva or like sponge/pillow foam?
  7. Thanks for the advice guys. I will trim and re glue and then glue in some foam for good measure.
  8. Thanks for the advice guys. I will trim and re glue and then glue in some foam for good measure.
  9. Hello there! I’m working on a stormtrooper kit from anovos that I bought local from someone. They never got around to building it so I got it for a bargain. I have been following ukswrath’s anovos build thread which has been very helpful and so far I’m happy with how it’s turning out. I’m used to EVA foam so abs is a little different. I’m on to the legs and I’m finding them to be a bit loose and jangly so I dont know if I should trim them more and re glue or just trim the top down so they can sit higher. I’m a bit skinnier than a screen accurate actor, 5’10 150 lbs. Any skinny troopers with advice? Any other advice also welcome of course, here are some pictures of how the armor currently sits.
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