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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About ZanderCage

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Capital City Garrison

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  1. No problem man.
  2. What size would you say the wire is?
  3. Sorry i ment basic approval for the blaster itself.
  4. I got my dlt-19 in the mail last week and was wondering if you guys think the blaster is approvable as is or does it need some more work. https://imgur.com/a/RUSWVfB
  5. I'm looking to get some binders with the clip to go on my belt for my ANH TK. Does anyone know of a place that I can get some?
  6. AP is great. I love my TK from him. Only recommendations I'd have is get yourself a heat gun because the shoulder straps don't come formed aswell as some white elastic to hold them down in the back. Only other thing is the sniper plat will need to be repositioned for higher levels of approval. Just make sure you give him proper measurements, remember never measure yourself get someone else to do it for you.
  7. So I recently got an Aker 1506 to use as the sound system for my TK but I'm having a problem where the mic is picking up my helmet fans and it's constantly making this low humming sound. Has anyone dealt with this before? If you have, what advice would you have to fix this problem or should I just accept it and leave it.
  8. I'm looking to buy a voice/sounds system for my TK so that I don't have to yell when I want people to hear me. What models and sellers would you all recommend?
  9. So I accidentally got some super glue and my TK armor in a spot I didn't want it. My armor is made of ABS plastic. Is there anyway to remove the superglue without damaging the plastic?
  10. 2024 24/10/2024 -- Treat Accessibly Halloween Village 2024 in Stittsville, ON 26/10/2024 -- Trunk-or-Treat for Dreams Take Flight in Ottawa, ON 03/11/2024 -- Orleans Comic Book and Novelty Show - November edition in Ottawa, ON 12/11/2024 -- Dreams Take Flight send off, Ottawa, ON 16/11/2024 -- Help Santa Toy Parade, Ottawa, On 23/11/2024 -- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - In Concert, Ottawa, ON 24/11/2024 -- Children at Risk Bowling Fundraiser, Ottawa, ON 15/12/2024 -- Secret Santa Toys "R" Us Holiday Party with Starlight Canada, Ottawa, ON
  11. TK-19456 Requesting status https://www.501st.com/members/searchresults.php?searchfield=19456&criteria=tkid Thanks
  12. Sadly at the moment I don't have the armor painted white yet plus I haven't ordered the new thighs yet.
  13. So I've been working on shimming my thigh armor and filling the seems. It's been going alright but not the best. I'm looking at getting some XL Thighs from RWACreations as a backup cause they will fit me right out of the box. My original armor was from AP so the whites won't be the exact same will this be a problem for basic approval?
  14. Hello everyone. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. So I recently picked my ANH Stunt Stormtrooper armor and everything fits well except for the thigh armor. There's a decent gap along the back around 4 inches at the biggest part. I'm not the best at building armor hence why I commissioned a set. Does anyone know a way I can fix this or would someone be able to help me with it. I'm in Ottawa, ON if you want to hel out. It would be greatly appreciated. Don't know if the photo link will work. https://imgur.com/a/zBHh7bl
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