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501st Member[501st]
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About Ghostie20

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  • 501st Unit
    Dune Sea Garrison

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  1. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

  2. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

  3. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    If you know where this is from than you'll get it:
  4. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

  5. TD-20042 requesting standard 501st access since I am not a TK(if that makes sense)
  6. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    Im baaaack. Here are some memes that I wanted to share since my last post but here they are, enjoy...
  7. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    I think we can all relate to this at 1 point but sadly this is me right now.
  8. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    I am back(for a while) with a meme I think will be funny but unsure...
  9. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    Im back with 2 more memes to share some happened not that long ago and 1 that any member here can relate too...
  10. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    ok last memes I want to post for a while before I look like a tryhard but enjoy...
  11. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    Here are more memes to laugh at, I think..
  12. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    This meme is more star wars than FISD but if you like and don't want me to take it down let me know
  13. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    Thanks you guys for the help here are more memes I created(This one you can at least relate at 1 point)
  14. Ghostie20

    FISD Memes

    Hello fellow members even though I am still new I give you memes to look and maybe laugh let me know what u think(I want to put more but the storage on the post wont let me)
  15. Hello FISD, My name is Nathan I am with the dune sea garrison and I am going to have my armor soon in order to become a member of the 501st legion (However, I am going to be a sandy rather than a shiny so if I need to leave then let me know). The armor I bought is from Armor Masters(AM) and I am hoping that any one can provide me with forums to build this type of armor or point me to a forum that can help me with this build. Besides getting help with the armor there is something that I am pitching that I want to clarity and help with this detachment since its a personal project but maybe bring it to the legion(more details on that soon). This looks like an interesting detachment to join and hope to be a part of it.
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