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501st Member[501st]
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About missingpieces

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    Expert Infantryman

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Florida Garrison
  1. Here's a link. CLICK!
  2. trim the eyes more, other than that, good job! it has eyelids
  3. also, on the inside glue the lower part of the face to the top part of the face. that way your seam wont end up cracking. i used plastic welder to fill the one i did for a squad mate. throw that 'no repaint' idea out the window too while your at it!
  4. looking good! the eyes look like they need more trimming IMO, especially the right one.
  5. atleast not around his waist. look at the leg where the ammo boxes usually are
  6. John, pics help. a 1/4" doesnt SOUND right though.
  7. remember that kid that cried wolf?
  8. stunt! heros are for sissys!!
  9. the elastic on the inside of your shoulder bells should be black. you can trim material off of the sides of the cod for a 'slimmer' fit. start at about 1/8' for each side. it can get too skinny quick, so be careful and take your time!
  10. +1 just make sure you can get your hands through the forearms before gluing them shut
  11. i only use velcro on the back of my shins and if you cant get your hands through...velcro there too. thats really all you should need.
  12. yeah, Lowes and Home Depot does.
  13. mine are vertical, but do what you like. i dont think there is a particular way that is considered canon.
  14. --------------
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