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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by GalacticGotham

  1. Thanks a lot. Glad you like it. Your blaster project is very cool as well. I'm thinking of doing a similar E-11 thing with totally different hardware for another trooper friend. For sure you could use Proffieboard since you're familiar with it. It's way overkill really but would definitely get the job done. The Nano boards are just 8 bit atmega328s. Sent from my SM-A546U using Tapatalk
  2. Good start. Sounds like you're going for something like mine... https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/53853-my-trooper-armor-transport-crate/ Sent from my SM-A546U using Tapatalk
  3. I have a pretty big head and it's a challenge. But I have a lot of stuff in my bucket as well. I have 4 fans, an icomm unit, and an audio amp along with the 12v power supply to drive it all. Plus I added a little hearing assist system that I designed. But I'm still able to fit my head because I removed all the padding except in the top and replaced the rest with very thin black EVA foam all around for lining and for looks. It's a process to put on and off but it fits comfortably when it's on. So even if you don't have a lot of stuff in there, removing the pads should help a lot. I also had trouble with the s trim wanting to come off for the same reason but I glued it all the way around with E6000 to take care of that. I wouldn't trim the opening except as a last resort. Sent from my SM-A546U using Tapatalk
  4. Here's the link to the crate with pics and some vids showing the neopixel animations, the display animation, and the decompression effect when opening. https://imgur.com/a/seQbaP6
  5. Yea, my pics are a little out of date. After a couple troops, the edges have gotten dinged up a bit and let the black show through. I think it just gives it character. But I was thinking of adding some dirt/oil weathering from the bottom up, but I'm undecided.
  6. I made a post showing off my crate. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/53853-my-trooper-armor-transport-crate/&share_tid=53853&share_fid=44557&share_type=t&link_source=app My Trooper Armor Crate I'm looking for opinions on applying weathering like these on this thread or leaving it clean. I'm undecided. Sent from my SM-A546U using Tapatalk
  7. Requesting access. TK20424 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=36481
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