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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by dblcross

  1. https://www.101soundboards.com/sounds/29051804-the-cat-devoured-my-homework-with-astonishing-speed-and-efficiency-leaving-behind-a-trail-
  2. lol, yeah, "I farted" lol. I am not going to be saying this during a troop
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/m6faygxscvqx6yxpyllw0/ACjCopOYxvfS2TsC9fk_7pE?rlkey=cdqnzg09thkvxvckmw2chcayb&st=zoxq3xsw&dl=0
  4. My son edited these clips into separate MP3's if anybody wants to use them. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/m6faygxscvqx6yxpyllw0/ACjCopOYxvfS2TsC9fk_7pE?rlkey=cdqnzg09thkvxvckmw2chcayb&st=ymort533&dl=0
  5. Yeah, thats something I have no clue how to do I've got the Mp3 off of that but I'm no wizard on how to edit it.
  6. @gmrhodes13have you come across any mp3's of the Trooper conversations about the VT-16 from ANH? " Have you heard about the new VT-16?..." trying to find some other files for @TikiTechie's 8 button finger controller. I've already got the blaster files you posted. And man, the AI soundboards out there sound horrible and have some not appropriate phrases to be saying around children. Could you imagine a TK saying "WTH". 🤨
  7. DDD is a great kit! Looks like you've got things under control. I've got the same kit from Dave. A.J's build thread is a great one to look at. Welcome aboard!
  8. So I made some binder holders out of the earthquake support I got with my shelves for my shed and a strip of aluminum from Lowes. Yes, they aren't ANH accurate, but It's all about making kids smile!
  9. [8] Memphis Parkway Village Library community outreach I had a blast at this one! We were a hit with the kids as usual. And the adults Our Squad leader got asked if he was Vader Figured I would spend some time trying to get rid of my southern drawl And I found a furious animal to take on patrols with me! Them rebels better watch it!
  10. Your build looks great so far. I found that a larger diameter magnet work well on holding cover strips down.
  11. I found that the weight of my E-11 makes my belt sag. Putting velcro on the back side of the belt and on your armor will help hold it up.
  12. I feel like i missed out on having you help me with my build! Way to go @giskard8
  13. [7] 6/22/24 Memphis Cherokee Library Explore Mempnest community outreach. The snake was way into me. I'm thinking because I was really warm in the armor. I found so much info on how to Find a Jedi! I tried to thumb a ride to the nearest cooling station but it didn't pan out. I had a heated game of Connect Four! Finally! I got to get a photo with McGruff the crime dog!
  14. That's one shiny Phasma! You can see the reflections of the clouds!
  15. So this is the pass they give you at Disney world when you're building your light saber. You'll have to click on the link. I haven't figured out how to post direct images from imgur from my phone. Feel free to translate https://imgur.com/a/Rd4fFtR
  16. That's an achievement! I had to get contacts just for my bucket.
  17. I only glued mine at this one point to keep it from rotating down in the front at the red arrow.
  18. [6] 5/18/24 Memphis comic con First off, let's get this out of the way cause I had fun that's all that matters. My pauldron is on the wrong shoulder! Oh well, the public loved it anyway. I'll fix it over the weekend. Oscar got excited about that! My wife had a stalker The best thing from the event was a child gave me a bracelet they made. I was so excited. My wife added it to my ammo packs. I could hear Yoshi giggle as I handed him my DLT-19 Longest troop I've done. Here I am when we decided to take a water break. My wife and her camera
  19. I didn't use an ABS support strip on my rivets if it helps you make a decision. But I did use washers.
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