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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About dblcross

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    Memphis TN

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Midsouth Garrison

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  1. Using a soldering iron was a game-changer for me.
  2. @TikiTechie I've got a few more sound files that might be useful for others. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10RJUJGsaWITBedM3HFIN7j3_x6HeMNkW?usp=sharing
  3. A lot of us use more than one strap on the inside to hold the pieces together. perhaps more strapping would solve this issue with your armor. Here is a snap placement diagram showing one of the strapping layouts. A shim didn't work for me. It kept popping out. I ended up ripping it off while I was trooping.
  4. [9] DreamNight at the Memphis zoo. Dreamnight is an international event that invites children with special health care needs and disabilities along with their families to spend a cost free evening at their local zoo or aquarium I was escorted by the Boss's daughter. The kids loved it. It's was so humid and hot. In fact, it is the hottest most sweatiest I've ever been in my TK! I was excited to be inside for a minute With all of the rain we've had here for the past week, we weren't really sure how we were going to get back to the cars with water this deep! Made my heart smile see these kids look at us with awe! Also, I love going back and looking at these pictures and realizing a v-tab is showing or belt not quite right, or in this case SHINS OPENING!
  5. I went as far as adding airplane sound clips lol. " Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?" " I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue"😅
  6. Welcome to the Midsouth Garrison!
  7. https://www.101soundboards.com/sounds/29051804-the-cat-devoured-my-homework-with-astonishing-speed-and-efficiency-leaving-behind-a-trail-
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