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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About lugalleg

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    Expert Infantry


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Dewback Ridge Garrison

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  1. Both tears go over a bump in the helmet which kind of look like a big bubble.
  2. Trimmed the rear left thigh cover strip and filled in with ABS paste Helmet trap decal just had glare on it. Smoothed out tears and tried to photograph with minimal glare. Let me know what else you need
  3. The snap does sit a little proud, probably why it looks thicker than it really is. I will inset it so it is flush with the armor surface. Then I will get another pic to you. Just not today, my pesky job gets in the way of the fun stuff🙂
  4. Went all the way around with ABS paste and sharpened the corners
  5. Hello! Attached below are updates to these items. Frown Paint Removal: Sanding down print lines: Reversing Snap: Tube Strips: Plate Fixing:
  6. I am still working on my TK, got distracted for a bit getting my Cad Bane approved , but I am back on it!
  7. Hello again! Attached are the requested photos: - Forearm Wrist: Ab Plate Closeup: Back Of Helmet:
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