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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Orrin15317

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    Star Garrison

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  1. TROOP #6 - Garland Labor Day Parade 9/2/2024 After a super busy August, I was finally able to suit up again and make it to a troop. I officially love being in Parades. The weather was incredible (for Texas standards) mid 70s with a nice breeze, which allowed us to have so much fun walking through downtown and interacting with the people of Garland. Even though dozens of kids would call out asking "WHERE'S BABY YODA!!!" There were still tons of people who were excited to see us. Official Pic from the Parade Pre-parade pics
  2. TROOP #5 - Sidequest Arcade grand opening 7/6/2024 TK-54832 and I once again in the field! The grand opening of the Arcade was an "all day event" so we decided to do a couple hours in the morning, go out for some lunch, then come back for a couple hours at the "peak" time in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun, and there was even a Mariachi band! (Yes that's me dancing.) (I'm on the right) Still waiting on more pictures from the event photographer, but in the meantime, here are some photos from from one of my coworkers, who sent them to me without knowing I was one of the troopers! šŸ¤£ ! We had a good laugh about it. Dance Video
  3. Yes, yes it is! Got my second troop tomorrow!
  4. The page that started my obsession with Stormtroopers all those years ago! Some awesome troops so far man great work!
  5. It was a total blast! Very memorable for sure!
  6. My Leadership just got back to me! Counts as 4! Thank you so much! Thanks!
  7. Should I be at 1 or 4? Thank you so much! It was a great time! Great memories and photos! Thanks guys! So happy to start this journey.
  8. -SATURDAY AND SUNDAY JUNE 29-30- I spent a lot more of Saturday actually working (If you can call running X-wing and Legion Tournaments "working") but I still got out for an hour towards the end of Saturday, mostly to get a photo with my friend who was rocking his Grand Admiral Cosplay. I did a lot more trooping Sunday, but I wasn't able to get any of the photos as everyone was packing up to leave. But TK-54832 and I did a final 2 hour shift, with plenty of pictures with families and kids, and some fun antics interacting with the cosplayers at the Charity Sabacc tables. (They always loved it when we came over to "inspect" The Cantina.) Overall the event was amazing, For my first troop I have already passed 10 hours kitted up. It was a great time and I'm already checking my schedule for my next troop. TK-15317 over and out! (Yes my shoulder strap was still off on Saturday, but I promise I fixed it when i suited up Sunday after seeing these pictures.)
  9. - FRIDAY JUNE 28 - Friday I finished my convention work at 1600 and spent the rest of evening trooping! The highlight of this day was certainly trooping with my friend TK-54832, who helped me build my armor. I wouldn't be doing this without him! We had a blast walking around the hall together as a pair, and it's awesome how much more excited people get when there's two of us. We even made it into Chris Bartlett's Cosplay Reel! I've met Chris a number of times, and it was a huge compliment when he told me I'm one of the best Stormtroopers he has seen as far as my body language and behavior. (Unfortunately my little white band on my left shoulder wasn't put up properly so I know my shoulder is floating out a little bit. Oops) Clip from Chris Bartlett's video
  10. TROOP #1 Greetings troopers! TK-15317 Reporting in! Had my first Troop this weekend and for my first one it was definitely a lot! Not only was Rebel Scum Con my first troop, but I was also on the event staff, so needless to say I was a very busy trooper. It was a packed long weekend with a lot of work and even more fun! - THURSDAY JUNE 27 - I was the first trooper on the floor for Thursday Preview night! It was a nice practice run for walking around, and manning the 501st photo op station. I also got to sit on the Speeder Bike! Most importantly, my close friend asked me when I got approved if I could autograph a Figure for him. My only condition was I had to do it during my first troop. I was honored to fulfill his request. (I'm going to do separate posts for each day but I'm fine with the con counting as one big event.)
  11. I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. TK-15317 Reporting in! Troops 1: June 27, 2024 -- Rebel Scum Con 2024 Day 1, Allen TX 2: June 28, 2024 -- Rebel Scum Con 2024 Day 2, Allen TX 3: June 29, 2024 -- Rebel Scum Con 2024 Day 3, Allen TX 4: June 30, 2024 -- Rebel Scum Con 2024 Day 4, Allen TX 5: July 6, 2024 -- Sidequest Arcade Grand Opening, Garland TX 6: September 2, 2024 -- Garland Labor Day Parade, Garland TX
  12. I can't wait! I had to go straight into two weeks of Army Summer training, but my first official event should be RebelScumCon at the end of the month! I can't wait!
  13. Yes! I will have to make a log! So awesome! Thank you so much! Thank you very much sir!
  14. Hello There fellow Troopers! With the help of a good friend of mine, and 6 months of combined work, we finished my ANH Stunt! It brought tears to my eyes to finally achieve this goal after wanting to be a real stormtrooper for as long as I can remember. Can't wait for my first troop! Troops 1: June 27-30, 2024 -- Rebel Scum Con 2024 in Allen TX
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