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About Nairy

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Interests
    Except from the obvious: airplanes, drums, Photoshop, Front-End Development


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    ANH-H CRL Model

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  • Name
    Jonatan (Swedish spelling)
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Swedish Garrison
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  1. Leading the way! Please welcome TK-23108 to the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame, July 2024! @BAZINGA Troop log can be found here. Congrats Bart!! And thank you for your engagement on everyone's Troop Logs! With Unquestioned Loyalty Jonatan Östling TK-23592 "Nairy" Attaché Ambassador
  2. These things are also what creates character between troopers! I doubt that a GML wouldn't clear you, but at the end of the day - you should be happy with it!
  3. Looking forward to seeing things come together! Do you think that it will be finished this year? Would be a stretch getting it done for Comic Con 2024 in November but you can always dream, right?
  4. 60. 2024-08-30, Massive Entertainment - Star Wars Outlaws release party, Malmö (Hero) Troop 60!!! And what a troop it was! Got a pic with our 501st stormtrooper Acke, who worked on the game as a quest designer! Trying out some mind tricks on security We also got to enjoy the party afterwards
  5. Congratulations!!! Looks awesome! Did you get to meet @Doggydoc?
  6. Not only does it look great, shape wise - but it is so much smoother now than what is was before! That's just a nice bonus detail! Great work on this so far!!!
  7. Grats on the 60!! You're doing an amazing job out there!
  8. Hello and welcome James! Always good to see determination to research! It really pays off in the end! Tough one but extremely cool!!
  9. Then you can long press an image that's uploaded to imgur and copy the image link address!
  10. Welcome to the forum Michael! Really glad to have you!
  11. Hello there!! Welcome to the FISD!
  12. 59. 2024-08-03, Visingsö Fly-In, Visingsö island (Hero) Some more images from the latest troop All images are taken by: Tommi Tulkki Personally, I cannot BELIEVE that I even have this photo! In front of the Saab 17, which is called B-17 since it is a bomb and reconnaissance plane, active in service from 1942 - 1968! My letter too which makes it all better Something happened with the plane Should I tell him it was my trigger finger? Remember to always ask for "idennefecation" ...always Even empty vehicles Next to an originally American, Swedish version of a school trainer plane - SK 14 Aaaand of course next to a Cirrus, one of the airplanes out there that are equipped with a parachute!
  13. Congrats on the big 60 Gerald! That Maul is looking hella sick as well!!!!
  14. Looks like a great troop Terry! Your shin miiiight be opening a bit in the back because the left shin is on the right leg, and looks like the sniper knee is touching the ammo knee!
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