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Ebio Amisi

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Ebio Amisi

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  • Interests
    Star Wars, Warhammer, Gaming, Motorbike Riding, Board Games, Star Trek, photography


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  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison
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  1. Welcome back! Glad to hear you are doing ok Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 15th Troop - 3/5/2023 - Great Ormond Street Hospital Visit (London) Back to GOSH again, this time for my first Ward troop. It was a tough one both physcially and mentally but I'm really glad I did it. Seeing the kids, their parents and the nurses, doctors and staff so happy to see us really is something. Best moment was seeing a kid get out of bed for the first time in 3 days so he could give us a fist bump. His mum was nearly in tears.
  3. 14th Troop - 16/4/2023 - Ware's The Brick (Ware) Second time doing this troop but this time I got to go out in my TK - just as fun as the first. I keep meeting people and telling them about it! Also got to see a friend from school that i've not seen in about 10-15 years!
  4. 12th Troop - 8/4/2023 - Star Wars Celebration 2023 (London) 13th Troop - 9/4/2023 - Star Wars Celebration 2023 (London) My first ever Star Wars Celebration and my first "big con" as a paying attendee. Totally amazing time, got to see some amazing things and meet some fantastic people - including a bunch from FISD! Highlight was helping induct Annabel and Harrison Davis into the UKG as honoury members
  5. 11th Troop - 21/12/22 - Great Ormond Street Hospital Christmas Party Bit of a bucket list troop this one - Star Wars got me into wanting to own a TK Suit and the charity side of the 501st is what got me to join the Garrison. Made a load of Kids happy and a few adults as well... also got to arrest Santa - win!
  6. Just completed my first 10! https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/51665-9-tk-19984-troop-log/
  7. 10th Troop - 18/11/22 - Pinewood Studios Got to troop at the world famous Pinewood Studios - had an amazing time! It has now been a year since I joined the 501st (UKG) and it was my 10th Troop. The kids that attended the event had an amazing time and I'm looking forward to watching the film that Jedi News made at Star Wars Celebration next year!
  8. 9th Troop - 8/11/22 - Laleham Camera Club (Laleham) Got to have some pretty awesome pictures taken of us by the Laleham Camera Club. Had a complete blast! All below pictures are owned by members of the Laleham Camera Club
  9. 8th Troop - 8/9/2022 - Leonardo Family Fun Day (Luton) After a little hiccup with my last two troops (Disney telling RAH that we can't troop for them and the Queen passing away) - I'm back at it again!
  10. Hotel booked! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 7th Troop - 7/5/2022 - May The Toys Be With You (Northampton)
  12. 6th Troop - 30/4/2022 - Kimpton May Festival (Kimpton) HighHighlights: - Really pleased how well it all went, especially as I was the one who suggested we do the event (it was for the May Festival my village throws each year) - Super busy, lots of good interactions with the general public - Got to arrest my neighbours - Confused my other neighbours daughter when she came running up to me and said, "I know where you live!". To which I replied, "Oh, you mean the Death Star?". Cue does-not-compute child reaction face
  13. 5th Troop - Ware's The Brick - Ware Quick link To Full Photo Album Here Some of my favourites: Highlights: - Flicky horny ants off a troopers bum - Lego EVERYWHERE - Meeting a chap again that I've haven't seen for about 3 years and didn't know was into Lego - Had great fun with my camera whilst spotting
  14. 3rd/4th Troop - MegaCon Live! Birmingham My first My first "Big" Con - both as a trooper and in general. Had an amazing time and met some fantastic people. Can't wait for the next one! Favorite highlights: - Jordans Blaster being fixed in the middle of Fort Dunlop bar. Metal rod, power drill, wooden drink stir sticks and epoxy resin all in use! - Jawas riding bumper cars - getting a compliment on my stormtrooper accent/voice - The huge parade with all the amazing costumes - someone in the early bird line saying “ah yes, you guys are what make a Con!” - Recreation of the opening scene to ANH at our Tantive Wall. Stormtroopers vs Rebel Troopers - Power Rangers from Reel Icons - Helping a new recruit into their armour, I know I’m quite new still but felt very much like passing the baton. Great experience. I’ve also never seen a single human so happy about being branded! - Dinner on Saturday with everyone at Hickory’s. Tony’s birthday being a particular highlight! - Daleks and Tardis from Cyber Legion - R2 builders club - Being used as an example by one of our armourers as they were talking to a member of the public about how we make the costumes. He seemed quite pleased with the work I had done! - finally working out how to get in and out of my armour without any assistance from anyone!
  15. 1. Ben 2. Connolly 3. TK19984 4. A4 5. Chemi Sorry for the delay! https://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/19984-centurion.png
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