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Posts posted by WhiteCommando

  1. Thanks HeatShock! I am John, and I am the Founder of Clone-Empire. Javamonkey, is the Co-Founder of the site. In November of 2007, Daetrin asked me... "why don't you make clone-empire into a forum. Therefore, between him and Mike1536, they helped in being Co-Founders of the Forum. We have been up and running since December 2007, and we are now over 700 members strong.


    I attribute this directly to Mike and Paul. That is why I am very glad I asked if they were interested in leading the Forum. They have done an outstanding job in creating an atmosphere where sharing of skill, knowledge, stuff, and so on, can thrive.


    We have made an attempt at growing a "White Army" of Phase One grunts. BUT, with the large volume of SoCal Garrison white Phase Two grunts, it has been decided that they are welcome to be a part of the "White Army" and I am sure, down the road, as the eFX and other types of Episode 2 helmets are added to the available providers, it will be easier to do a Episode 2-styled clone trooper, especially the white grunts.




    Heatshock said:
    mmmmm clones

    must admit being drawn to AOTC standard grunt


    In addition to the 501 detachment - another valuable site is


    Drop me a pm if u like ALex - been making the slow in-roads i(reading boards abt 2 months only, and I think I kinda figured out wots goign on) into finding out more abt clones.

  2. I am the owner of an early 2007-model MofT E-11. It... Is... THE... SHIZ-NIT!!!








    So, Mr. MakerOfThings.... since I have referred about 20 ga-gillion dudes to you... when do I get a kick-back??? :lol:


    People see it, and they just freak! Be sure to just spare yourself the time and effort, buy the finished model. I think mine was done in a spray booth! It looks tooooooooooo perfect to be a "back-porch" job.


    Get this gun!



  3. Well, as a future member, you should be able to join up pretty easy. Please PM me here, or on my Clonetroopers Forum –-------- – and I can introduce you to the right guys via e-mail to assist in expediting your application, especially if your suit is ready. If it is not, I can help you. I was able to buy, assemble, tweak, and finalize a TD suit pretty fast. The guys here and on MEPD are very helpful.


    Here I am in my Sand Trooper suit (with a buddy, Pete, the Spec Ops TC)...




    Good luck brother!




    Imperial Knight Jajj said:
    thanks for the input dave... but i have tried to join their forum but i have to be a member of the 501st... they have this red notice at the bottom of the registration field that states:

    "Please note: You must be a member of the 501st Legion or a future member to join these forums. People looking for Armor advice, please visit somewhere else."


    so i am here looking for what ever i can ... it seems like they are pretty strict as to who joins the 501st... not just star garrison... the whole of 501st... i can understand why i guess, but... some of us who are ignorant to the ways of the troopers need sites like this to give them their info because we cant get on their site to ask questions... how does one become a "future member" if they cant even get on their site... this site seems more like home to me... when i have my armor i probably would like to join the star garrison, but i would be at this site majority of my time... we will see... thanks dave...


    (after visiting the Star Garrison again)


    never mind... im in... i wasnt reading all the small print... i had to put inactive on one spot and zeros in the other... lets see what i get...

  4. Yep. This is an FX lite with an RT-Mod and a TD conversion...




    So, if you ever put together an airplane model kit when you were a kid, and have used Super Glue before... you can do this in three weekends of light spare time.


    It was fun and easy to put together... plus I am a big boy, I can't fit in the smaller stuff.


    Might also want to check the 501st forum and the MEPD for an "FX lite" kit. This is an FX kit without helmet, glue, and strapping, and is a better solution, maybe a better cost. I think the guy who sells them goes by the handle tupperware trooper.


    Just an option.


    Good luck

  5. When I say I want to be like Mike... I am not joking. I would love to have his BMI. Man, I bet he does well with the ladies! HAHAHA!


    Seriously... he is a stud. Also, this forum and Daetrin made me go TK... but Mike made me dirty! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! <--- OHHHH HAAAA HA HA HA! HAHAHAHAHA!


    Go here to see my new dirty helmet...




    Mike H.'s site was one of the inspirations for this one. Truly a valuable resource for all who love white plastic.
  6. I am 6'1" and my thought about your remarks are not so hot.




    Look me up next time you are in Dallas so I can throw a drink in your face. :lol: any thoughts?


    Just kidding. Tee hee.


    This topic is about blasters, not about if our brothers here need to be excluded due to their size.


    question then..if "elite" should truely be elite..then technically anyone 5'9" below and over 6 should automatically be disqualified..any thoughts?


  7. No problem, I just like to add that some guys just squirt some glue, and spray paint them and get OK results. These are the assemblies that the Sci-Fire team like to point out... "Look at the lack of detail" AND "I would never troop with that piece of crap" but I think the comparison shot I showed of the two 34s together says a great deal. I pointed out the obvious details, issues, PRICE, and so forth. If they want to dispute... I would be glad to discuss in depth.


    DELIVERY and COST are the interesting issues.


    As for a Cushman...


    They can be made to look beautiful. I need to get pics of my DC-15 up. It looks wicked. A guy on the clone forum made a $30 greeble add-on kit that makes the DC-15 look even sweeter.


    I just think that some of the Sci-Fire worship needs to be put into perspective.


    I actually had a guy from the BBC give me some really nice compliments on how I put them together and got the "seams" that people tend to remark the most about... under control.


    I use sand paper.


    Since I weather mine light-to-moderate, I have started to omit the bondo-glaze step, and just trim away some areas that look soft. I glued, applied the spud greeblies, sanded, painted and weathered the rifle. Total combined time to assemble was between 2-3 hours.


    Stand by for pics later today or tomorrow.


    I love cushman for all the reasons you stated John. I was making that statement based off of what I have read from the mepd boards. That's why I used it as an example. Believe me, as far as I can see all of my arsenal will be cushman made
  8. I love my 2 DC-15s, my 2 E-11s, my 2 DLT-19s, my 2 DC-17 Star Corps side arms, and I get my DC-17 Rep Com rifle today. All bought for around $480 total!


    I appreciate your remarks. Some people love Sci-Fire... some don't. Since they threatened me, I am a little biased. If you complain just a little too hard about their service... they will throw down with you.


    Here is the $35 Cushman E-11...






    Add a $10 H-counter off ebay, and you are good to go. Weighs half a pound and bounces when dropped.


    No flame suit necessary. That's a pretty objective response. Personally I love my hyperfirms and am perhaps lucky to deal with reputable sellers, and my experience is 100% positive. I've also been lucky enough to afford to be able to shell out the bucks for them, but I realize not everyone is in this space, so it's great to have alternatives.
  9. I am a proud supporter of Cushman. He has tried to raise the bar recently. I have made a comparison sheet to list the ways they are different and similar. I also included pricing and delivery timing. Sci-Fire has the worst delivery reputation in this area of prop sales HANDS DOWN. And, I have seen threads started by Sci-Fire guys calling Cushmans trash and describing them in derogatory ways. AND, Sci-Fire made threats to me that they were going to report me to the 501st.


    I wish they would because the 501st would laugh at them.


    Here is a side by side fact sheet for those wanting to look at the new Cushman MG-34s coming out right now compared to a Sci-Fire coming out sometime maybe in the future if you know the right guy to buy from...




    And for the nay-sayers talking about low resolution pics on Cushman's web site. Here is a 2582 pixel wide image...




    Also worth mentioning on this topic (by a friend from this forum)...


    1) Both the Sci-Fire AND Cushman can be dropped from a height of 4'-5' feet and both will survive the drop.

    2) Both have a seam, but you can actually file down/doctor the Cushman seam.

    3) Weight. The SciFire is very light compared to a scratch built or resin, but will still be heavier than the Cushman.


    Overall, you don't cry like a baby if someone steals/damages your Cushman. Also, Cushman is always available. With SciFire, you have to just wait until one comes out of the woodwork. Cushman communication is excellent AND he refunds those who can't seem to glue 5-6 plastic parts together. If a person can build a TK suit, building a Cushman is a cakewalk. I built a DC-15 last night since it was just sitting there.


    I am tired of all the anti-Cushman stuff. If he were to get pissed, and stop selling to us... we would be doomed to having to shuck out $450 for Hyperfirm (and wait), or spend 20-30 hours scratch building one. Frankly, if I did not have a Cushman as an option... I would scratchbuild before going Sci-Fire. And, if you have the time and skills, scratchbuilding is a great way to go... but people make MG-34 scratchbuilds that are ranging from fantastic to terrible.


    There you go. I am ready for my pants to be on fire.




    If you want another good example from other boards' standards; I'll build on what Paul said. The MEPD will accept a cushman MG-34 for deployment. Many people do not like that, but it still works. Also, they accept weapons that have not been modded at all. So many MG-34s that aren't DLT-19s and Lewis guns that aren' T-21s. No one is going to say that MEPD doesn't have high enough standards even with those leniencies (not to mention the pack).
  10. Mike is the man that made me want to go TD (Paul made me want to go TK... sorry, I was TK for about a day).


    I am going to try some more of your tricks brother! NICE!


    Not like most of you haven't already seen these, but just incase any new guys haven't...

    (very high resolution pics of my Sandtrooper)






    These pictures were taken about sixteen months ago, and the armor has since seen a ton of action, so the weathering has become more "real-world".

  11. Yes, I agree with Mike mostly. He is the meaning in my life... he's the inspiration... HAHAHA!!! Anyway, Braks is a great method BUT you can add your own flair to it as well. Just remember to look at reference pictures and have ANH on the TV and pause it in the desert scenes.


    (Mike, pardon the shoulder straps)


    Here is my chest armor...




    A wet sponge and acrylic is great. I used Mocha, medium grey and black, on a paper plate and daubed it on the armor. Let it set up a bit, say 5 minutes... Then dry towel (or buff) off the majority of what you put on their in the first place. That gives the nice, small splotchy dirty spots. But I added another diversion method... windshield wiper fluid with the same acrylics in a spray bottle.


    Spray on, then blot the runs. Repeat 2-3 times. Be random. Then try to clean off areas where leading edges are... like on the teets.


    I like how mine came out. Yeah, yeah, it is an FX, but everyone that has seen it says "HOLY SHE-AT!"


    Later Brothers,



  12. He does not like people to see the workstations. People get uncomfortable seeing forced child labor.


    heya tony..tried contacting the seller a couple of days ago asking if he accepts pickups for his items since we both live in he same country...the seller never responded..so thats that



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