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About Slate

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  • 501st Unit
    Nordic Garrison

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  1. Thank you all for the welcoming messages! Makes my heart warm alot. I'll be sure to ask questions about the costume! You guys are so nice. Thank you! Happy New Years to all of you! And most of all, may the force be with you.
  2. Slate - (Soon to be TK-####) Swedish Member Alright let's start of with an introduction. Hello! My name is Angus and I'm 17 years old. I was born in Sweden, Gothenburg and it is still my home town. I have been since a kid always had the dream to join the 501st legion as a Stormtrooper. And now that I'm almost old enough to join my local garrison, I think its time for me to chase that dream for real. Ever since that first convention, when I saw those troopers, following the Dark Lord. I told myself that I would be one of them. And that's why I'm here finally on the Whitearmor forum. I hope that I'll be welcomed here, you all seem so nice.
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