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Everything posted by CountCunning

  1. I'll be posting photos once I've gotten up the nerve to take them, but here goes. In late February/early March of this year a medication I'm taking regularly for an endocrine issue was increased and I started gaining weight incredibly quickly. My starting weight was approximately 155 lbs and as of the day I'm writing this (27 June) it's sitting at 191 lbs. This is despite walking nearly 3 miles to and from work 5 days a week and some serious dietary changes made in the last two months. I've yet to speak to an endocrinologist or my family doctor about this weight gain, but I'm hoping they'll be able to help me nail down the proper dose of my medication. I haven't actually got my TK armour built yet, partly because I haven't known where to start and partly because I've been feeling a bit insecure about my weight, but I'd love to get closer to my goal weight while working on putting it together. My current weight: 191 lbs Goal weight: 150 lbs Exercise plan: Elliptical & stationary cycle 10km each, 4 days a week, lane swimming 2 days a week (no set distance goal yet), possibly free weights, but I'm not sure yet Lifestyle plan: eat more healthily and try to cut most added sugar out of my diet (I love ice cream and my partner's mum is a habitual baker, so this might be a bit difficult, but I'm here to give it a shot haha!) Anyways, thanks everyone for sharing your stories and goals. I'm feeling even more committed to getting in shape and sharing my progress with you all Cheers!
  2. After yesterday's Maker Faire troop, I have a much better idea of where to go with my kit. I'd like to back it with a two-part epoxy resin, but there are a lot of options for which kind to get. I've been thinking about opting for a medium-viscosity casting resin, but does anyone have other recommendations? Thanks, all!
  3. Thanks very much for the suggestion! That definitely gives me more of an idea for where to start.
  4. This thread has been quiet for a while due to dreaded Real Life, but rest assured that I'm still plugging away at the kit and there will certainly be some photo updates on helmet soon. I have the opportunity to work on my kit at a Maker Faire here in Saskatchewan on the 25th, hopefully with the help of @wook1138, and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for which steps I should take to start work on the armour. I haven't done anything at all to assemble or prep the rest of the kit and it seems like I could start just about anywhere. With that in mind, I don't want to take the whole kit with me because it'll be taking up too much space in transit. I'll be bringing my helmet, since I still have a fair amount of work to do on it, but I'd like to bring a couple of other pieces with me for a bit of variety. Does anyone have recommendations for which steps to take first? Would it be easy or prudent to start assembling the forearms or shins? I'm personally leaning towards reinforcing/coating the back of some armour pieces since I've read and learned firsthand that raw fibreglass is itchy and unpleasant on the skin. Thanks, all!
  5. Hey all, I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this, so please feel free to lock it down or migrate it if that's the case. I've started my ROTK build thread, but things have stalled a bit while I wait to get some replacement respirator filters. I was wondering if the FISD has a mentor-mentee program like the JRS and if I'd be able to contact someone in my local garrison to assist me with the build in person. I posted in the Badlands forums a bit ago about getting some help, but haven't heard anything back as of yet. Thanks!
  6. Just now perusing some more of these build threads and I've got to say that your work looks fantastic! I'm really new to working with armour kits, so I was wondering if you'd be able to answer a question for me. I've been slowly working away at my Jimmiroquai ROTK bucket, but I don't know where to begin when it comes to sanding it. Aside from any obvious casting seams, is there anything I should be looking for that needs to be sanded/filled? Thanks in advance!
  7. As I was dremeling out the teeth of the frown, I lost my grip on it and accidentally nicked the frown. Any suggestions for how to fill in that space? There's a lot of really fine work that I still need to do on the other cutouts, but I figured this little slip was a sign that I needed to stop working for the day.
  8. What sort of resin did you use? I'm pretty new to using resin in general, but I'd be happy to shop around for some. Did you use the resin to cover over the raw fibreglass backing on the rest of armour pieces?
  9. Well, I've finally received my Jimmiroquai ROTK kit and washed it. Now the fun begins! Since I don't currently have access to paint, primer, or a paint booth, I'm going to start working on the helmet. If anyone has any tips or tricks for drilling/cutting out the vents and teeth, please feel free to share! In the meantime, I'll be perusing other build threads to get some ideas on where exactly to start.
  10. Countcunning 30180 06/29/2021 In Progress Canada TK Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet Jimmiroquai Jimmiroquai
  11. I see on the CRL that there's an option for a baton and holster. Has anyone got a bead on the model of baton and type of holster used?
  12. Hello all, My name is Danny, my TKID is TI-30180, and I'm a member of the Outer Rim Garrison who's been out of commission for about 2 years now. On top of the pandemic, I've been dealing with a number of personal, work, and mental health issues that have kept me from trooping and socializing with my garrison-mates. I would like to get back into trooping with a R1 TK and I figured this was the best place to start. I look forward to getting reacquainted with all of you folks and trooping as soon as it's safe enough to do so.
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