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KC Grim

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About KC Grim

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  • 501st Unit
    Southern California Garrison

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  1. TROOP 002 Elk's Lodge School Supply Fundraiser 06-12-2021 https://flic.kr/p/2mfsD92 Helping Lord Vader keep the venue Rebel Free
  2. thank you very much. Proud to be a part of the Centurion ranks. I will make these final adjustments and dressing issues. Easily done things. again. Thank you all very much. KC TK-57899
  3. Yes.... the "gap" was just a shadow Belt Adjustments
  4. Name: KC Grim Username: KC Grim TK-57899 Southern California Garrison Los Angeles Squad Armor maker: Anovos - Fully Custom built by Ardashir Radpour and me Helmet Maker: Anovos - Fully Custom built by Ardashir Radpour and me Blaster Type" E-11 made by Pretorian - Fully customized Hight: 5'10" Weight: 160lbs Boot Maker: Imperial Boots Canvas Belt: Custom Made Hand Plates: Trooper Bay Rubber Latex Plates Electronics: Xiaokoa Wireless Mic, Wireless connect to Aker Amp, Aker Speaker, Self made custom fans and battery system Neck Seal: Stormtrooper Undersuit. molded piping Holster: Anovos Undersuit: Lycra Motorcycle race undersuit. EIB Approval:
  5. Thank You so much. Will attend to the alterations and make my my way toward Centurion. TK-57899
  6. Starting off my TK Troop Log....Long Live the Empire! TROOP 001 Annual Community Thanksgiving Drive-Thru 11-23-2020 Giving out Free Thanksgiving Dinners and FLU SHOTS!!!!
  7. Here are the new pics....
  8. Here you go... (was on set yesterday so I couldn't take more pics till today)
  9. Name: KC Grim Username: KC Grim TK-57899 Southern California Garrison Los Angeles Squad Armor maker: Anovos - Fully Custom built by Ardashir Radpour and me Helmet Maker: Anovos - Fully Custom built by Ardashir Radpour and me Blaster Type" E-11 made by Pretorian - Fully customized Hight: 5'10" Weight: 160lbs Boot Maker: Imperial Boots Canvas Belt: Custom Made Hand Plates: Trooper Bay Rubber Latex Plates Electronics: Xiaokoa Wireless Mic, Wireless connect to Aker Amp, Aker Speaker, Self made custom fans and battery system Neck Seal: Stormtrooper Undersuit. molded piping Holster: Anovos Undersuit: Lycra Motorcycle race undersuit.
  10. For my first foray into the TK world, 6 of us did an amazing patrol Halloween night in downtown Culver City. Keep the area Rebel free and handed out 2500 pieces of candy. you can see a video of the patrol on my FB page (KC Grim) and on the SCG FB page. Had a ton of fun and only discovered one pinch point that I have already taken care of. Looking forward to officially TK trooping. Was a bit less comfortable than my Scout, but definitely doable.
  11. Hello all, Biker Scout who recently got his TK armor approved and am ready to mix it up with the F.I.S.D...... Looking forward to not sitting at troops. TK-57899
  12. TK-57899 Requesting full access to the FISD... Thank you!!. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=31016
  13. Me too... Submitted pics today
  14. Thank you very much... Submittal pics should be taken monday. I have the aid of a very well versed TK assisting with my build... massively assisting, so confidence os high on the approval process. We arte building with the intent of going for Centurion right after basic approval.
  15. Thank you.... Sitting is overrated. anyway... Who needs to sit when you are trooping? It's all about the smiles we bring.
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