I’ve wanted to dedicate my life to the 501st since I could remember.
I have a few questions and don’t really know how to navigate through the barracks to find my footing. I read up on how to choose armors and I’ve found that there is no best armor, I just want to be camera ready with the squad and join rank ASAP! Is there one armor that is preferred over others? And if I were to buy armor and they give a call to the 501st to be extras, Do they upgrade your preexisting armor to be up-to-date? I’m a dream I know, I’ve got to grind to gain rank, but I’m just excited to be apart of this community. Don’t bash me too hard, I can’t take it, I just wanted more insight before I make a purchase and needed my fellow brethren’s input.
I have seen the forum on good places to look, I just wondered where everyone’s head was on a consensus of an overall place to buy armor.