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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About MaDDN3ssX6

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Calgary, AB Canada
  • Interests
    Do I really need to say Star Wars?
    3D Printing

Standard Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Badlands Garrison
  • Troops Completed

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  1. Will add photos for latest troop when home today Sent from my CPH2583 using Tapatalk
  2. Just updated my troop log for the first time. Looks like I'm up to 17.
  3. Link to photos from events. (hope it works) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/rpij9k7hxppl3yw6wxuvz/ABVF777X2xAiQ3Zv1XFcibE?rlkey=lb7d9bgumnwf1372mblwab2p5&st=hzj5z7ci&dl=0
  4. Finally getting around to doing this. #18 - June 10, 2024 - Betty's Run for ALS (HWT TK) 15 / 16 / 17 - April 25 - 27, 2024 - Calgary Expo (3 Days) (HWT TK) 14. December 17, 2023 - Secret Santa Private Shopping Event for Starlight Kids Foundation (HWT TK) 13. November 25, 2023 - Blood Drive for Canadian Blood Services (HWT TK) 12. September 29, 2023 - Nico's Make a Wish Day (HWT TK) 9 / 10 / 11 - September 15-17, 2023 - Edmonton Expo (3 Days) (HWT TK) 8. June 17, 2023 - Family Fun Day for the Rotary Club of Calgary (HWT TK) 7. June 9, 2023 - Spark After Dark @ Telus Spark (ANH TK) 6. Februay 11, 2023 - AMP Star Wars Hockey Classic (ANH TK) 5. December 18, 2022 - Secret Santa Private Shopping Event for Starlight Kids Foundation (ANH TK) 4. October 30, 2022 - 501st PR photo - Pumpkin Carving (TK) 3. October 23, 2022 - Treat Accessibility Hallloween Village (ANH TK) 2. September 10, 2022 - Simon's Make a Wish Day (ANH TK) 1. August26, 2022 - 501st PR photo - International Dog Day (ANH TK)
  5. Find me on IG @soab_vader Next booked trip to Disneyland is for the week of April 30 - May 7th so I'm there for May 4th. I'll message you when the day nears.
  6. Good day all, I just realized I never made an official "reporting for duty" post, so here it is. Approved in July with my ANH Stormtrooper. I am part of the Badlands Garrison in Western Canada. About me? Star Wars fan all my life, even saw Episode 4 in theaters way back in 1977, so now you know I'm old. Always loved the Stormtooper, even as a kid so I knew this had to be my first entry to the 501st. The armor is so intimidating. Journeyman heavy diesel mechanic by trade but haven't turned a wrench since 2005 and have been in management since. In my spare time I 3D print many things (mainly Star Wars of course), walk my dog "Chewie", corrupt my son to join the Empire, and as well I have an Instagram account where I post Star Wars action figure photos and try to be funny. Also I love to travel with Disneyland being one of my more frequent stops. One day, I'd like to troop with the SoCal Garrison or the Imperial Sands Garrison as I get to San Diego often as well. If you want to know more, drop me a line and say hi. TK-11651 signing off.
  7. Welcome from a newly appointed Badlander. Can't wait to see another TK.
  8. Catching up in the forums. Welcome from another that waited 45+ years for it. I just got my approval, you will too.
  9. Oops. Dang newbies. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=35253 Sent from my OnePlus 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  10. TK 11651 requesting access https://www.501st.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=23873 Thanks Sent from my OnePlus 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  11. I'm 6'-3" and 265lbs and just had some AM armor built by Dave's Darkside Depot. It arrived this morning and looks great. I've tried on a few pieces and they fit very well. Recommended dealer.
  12. Big brown box day has finally arrived!! Will be doing some test fitting and I'm sure a few adjustments this weekend. Then I plan to submit 501st application next week if all goes well. Thanks to Dave Conklin of Dave's Darkside Depot for the excellent commission build. Sent from my IN2025 using Tapatalk
  13. Ok, I have to say it since no once else did... "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" Welcome. I am new to this as well and waiting for my armor to arrive early next week (provided tracking can be trusted.) This is a great group and I've learned a ton just surfing through the various posts.
  14. Well finally some good news. My armor has shipped and should be here next week. It was a commission build so hopefully I should be able to get accepted quickly. Sent from my IN2025 using Tapatalk
  15. Well, I am still awaiting my brown box day... Seems like it is taking forever. I'm just super excited to join and getting a bit impatient. It is a commission build and I understand they take longer, but I ordered it back in June and the supplier (Dave's Darkside) noted it takes about 2-3 months from the time he pulls kits. However, now he is not replying to texts or emails from me. Not sure what the hold up is. Anyway, I am continuing to read up on stuff on here and reply as I can to stay active. Hopefully soon I can apply as a full on member.
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