I don't want to turn this into a lenghty accuracy discussion, but I think this points should bev considered:
No set of hand guards was the same in ANH.
+) amount of latex poured in: more latex, thicker hand guards.
+) level of the mold: thicker or thinner on one end
+) mold wear: after a few pulls, the mold wears out; chunks missing, rough surface, etc
+mold flash: latex is a non-wetting fluid.
if you just pour it in, it produces a convexe surface, with no flash. > Thin edges (like RS above)
if you wet the edges of the mold, it produces a concave surface, with flash, almost like a "return edge" see this famous pic:
+) latex shrinkage: depending on humididty, temperature, etc. latex shrinks between 5 and 10%
+) I'm convinced there were at least 2 different molds of standard hand gaurds (+ 1 alternative style).
a) one with somewhat round front
"straighter" front, pinky finger part a little wider
(Gee, after 4 years, Icould major in latex hand guards)
Conclusio: if you like a particular set of hand guards and the price is right for you, get it. If not, don't.