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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Echo3_Skywalker

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    Garrison Carida

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  1. I have a 1996 version of it ill take a look at the links you sent
  2. Hello everyone! I have a Hasbro blaster and don’t know where to begin to alter it for approval. Any help is appreciated, thanks!! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Vd9LZd5QivIGn_u7QC1inAepR-Y7m7ps -steph (Tk-20254)
  3. Please enable 501st access for me (Tk-20254, garrison Carida! https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=43350&costumeID=124
  4. Here are some progress photos!! So close to being done!! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1--wlD0xe9BOVdiw-FRWsUOw4kK3UmewD
  5. I have started attaching cover strips and straps!
  6. I made some adjustments and these are the new pictures:
  7. Hey everyone! I have made some progress mostly trimming return edges and re-fitting everything. I tried (mostly) everything on together I did notice I was having an issue with the back plate falling i think i need to adjust the shoulders a little so they sit on my shoulders, Also my arm pieces kept rotating when I was trying to get pictures but nothing is attached yet, here are some pictures!
  8. Thanks for the links I realized that my concern was not every clear, the yellow part is about 3 inches too big where the red portion around my hips fits snug.
  9. Its been a while since my last post however, I was fitting the lower portion of my armor today and noticed the area around my stomach (yellow) has a pretty large gap, about 3 inches, but the area around my hips fits a little snug (red), what can I do about this?
  10. It just dawned on me that I have not posted an update on this form in a while so heres is a tone of pictures of where i am at currently .... Stephanie | Cadet #2025
  11. Is there anywhere that return edges are needed/ required for ANH stunt centurion? Stephanie | Cadet #2025
  12. Super helpful thank you!! Stephanie | Cadet #2025
  13. Any recommendations and or sources for undersuits for women? Stephanie | Cadet #2025
  14. More progress!! Stephanie | Cadet #2025
  15. How is this hight for a stunt? Stephanie | Cadet #2025
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