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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TKStrider

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    Central California Garrison

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  1. Anthony Shultz TK 16603 EIB Letter Size Sha Sha http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/16603-eib.png
  2. Anthony Shultz TK 16603 Centurion Letter Size Sha Sha http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/16603-centurion.png
  3. Thanks everyone! Glad to be a part of the Centurion ranks!
  4. Thanks so much for the paint store recommendation! I ended up taking a piece of ABS plastic to home depot and they just color matched it for me. Worked out perfectly for painting the screws and rivet heads! I also fixed the thigh ammo pack as requested.
  5. Forgot I had another question too. In regards to the thigh ammo pack, does the front middle bump need to align with the coverstrip?
  6. So I actually had a feeling that the paint color was off. I bought Humbrol gloss 22 that was cited on multiple reference/suggestion threads, and when you paint it on its MUCH whiter and matches the color of the armor. When it dries, it dries the color that you see. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there another paint that would do the trick?
  7. Ok, third times the charm (hopefully). I shaved back everything I believe to be the return edge. It feels and looks completely flat now, and smooth to the tough (no bumps). Would this be correct?
  8. Alright, return edges gone as requested.
  9. Haha I stopped sanding it cause I was getting nervous. Time to live life on the edge!
  10. Figured I should get this done lest the California fires drive me out of my home LOL! ID: 16603 Forum Name: TKStrider Armor Maker: WTF Helmet Maker: WTF Blaster Maker: Trooperbay EI Approval Thread: Name: Anthony Height/weight: 5'11", 155lbs Boot Maker: Imperial Boots Canvas Belt: Imperial Issue Hand Guard: Trooper Bay Holster Maker: Trooper Bay Required Photos: Full Body: Armor Details: Helmet Details Accessories: Blaster: Thanks all! Looking forward to hearing from you
  11. So I had the day off today and was looking on something to do...why not work on Centurion level? I was hoping someone would be able to enlighten me on the measurements for the shoulder bells. I trimmed them up a bit because they seemed too big, and they fit much better now. Along the bottom edge (from edge to edge) it's roughly 12in total, with the measurement from the peak to the bottom edge is just over 5in...does this seem about right?
  12. Woo! Thanks all! I'll work towards that Centurion next, but I'm definitely taking a break for a bit lol. Thanks for all the help and suggestions!
  13. Here you go! New mesh/hovi tips installed.
  14. Thanks for the reply! Here are the requested photos that I was missing. Sniper Knee Thigh Ammo Rivet Ab Buttons Cod Piece/Butt Plate Lower Ear Screw In regards to the Hovi Mic Tip, I have this other wire mesh that I bought for the inside of the helmet. Would this work? I did essentially use the one provided by WTF, and I was under the assumption that it was approved even for Centurion status, but that's OK, easy fix anyway. Here are the two meshes as comparison. The left one was the one that was in the Hovi tip initially. Newly inserted
  15. Name: Anthony TK ID: 16603 Forum Name: TKStrider Legion Profile: https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=32801 Garrison: Central California Garrison Armor: WTF Helmet: WTF
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