So it begins....
I've been lurking around the 501st and Rebel Legion for years at cons and other events, and now that my kid is off to college, I'm ready to take the plunge.
I've been going back and forth about the hero vs stunt build, but I think I want to do the Hero. I placed my order and now I'm awaiting my BBB arrival of ATA armor.
I've never done anything like this before, I'm a computer guy, not a builder so I'm horribly afraid I'm going to screw something up and cost myself some major money, so I'm reading all the info I can find on the forum, watching YouTube videos, and I'm awaiting my approval for the forums on the garrison (Tyranus) in my area so I can hope to find a build party or someone local who might be willing to come over and help me not screw it up. LOL
Thanks everyone for your help thus far, I'll be posting photos and updates as thing get rolling.