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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by TKSpartan

  1. Congratulations future trooper !! looking forward for your build thread. Post tons of photos , ask questions, measure twice or more, cut and glue once. Take a look to the following section to have an idea of the building process. Fisrt order Builds Cheers
  2. Great work Thomas. Remember for the TD to take a look to the reference photos, Centurion Application threads and measure twice, cut and glue once.
  3. Hi Leonard, additional to the photos requested, and in order to start your review there is one item we need you to take care of, please remove a bit of the paint at the top of the teeth as shown below. This is a basic level requirement As per the CRL for Basic approval, "Frown is gray and does not leave the teeth area". Reference This is an easy fix, just a few minutes with some mineral spirits or paint remover , (NON acetone) , and a toothpick should do the work. Your EIB badge is around the corner Trooper !
  4. Yes It looks like a mold issue. Anyway , It shouldn't be a problem for approval.
  5. Looking Great Trooper, congratulations.
  6. Nice photos !!!
  7. Hi, Josh, looks good. You may want to read the following post all about return edges so you can be more confidence with the trimming process. Return Edges. Cheers.
  8. Hi Emma, the following reference photo may help you to compare, but it seems like a view perspective issue. A closer photo would help. Cheers
  9. Hi Jay, the first armor build is a challenging process, don't be scared, Every problem has a solution. you may want to check this post . As the fellow Troopers here have pointed, E6000 is the best option for the very first build. Hope this can help.
  10. Be strong trooper and keep the faith. Hope everything turns right soon. Take your time,
  11. Hi future trooper, welcome to FISD Good luck with your build.
  12. looks great , keep it up !!!
  13. Super fast response, thank you. 1- Please add the inner side photos of the thigh ammo rivets. and 2- Photo of the screw on the bottom of the ears Crl L2: Ears shall have three screws per side, one above and one below the ear bar and one at the base of the helmet 3- Close Photo of your Chest - Back plate connection ,( to see the white fabric or Elastic) Crl L2: Chest and back shall be connected with a white fabric or preferably elastic strap at the shoulders. Cheers.
  14. Hi Leonard, Glad to see your EIB application, great work on your armor. As Chemi pointed , could you please add the following photos? 1- Close photo :Right and Left ,outside and inside of your Thigh ammo pack to see the rivets type. Level two certification (if applicable): Thigh ammo belt is attached to thigh with a solid head rivet, painted white, in the upper corner and fastened to the lower thigh ridge. The rivets used shall be single cap, double cap or split rivets. No pop rivets allowed. Rivet should be approximately 5/16" (8mm) in diameter (exterior). 2- Photo of the D-ring of your E11-Blaster. Level two certification (if applicable): D-ring mounted on the rear. Thanks
  15. Hi, Thomas, I'm sorry that you had this problem with the snaps. Even though, it's preferable to have the issue while building than trooping isn't it? reading the following section, the recommended snaps are Tandy. You could try to find them and hope you can solve this temporary issue. Cheers
  16. Congratulations Trooper, welcome to EIB.
  17. Hi Fred, welcome to FISD. good luck with your build.
  18. coming alone Pura Vida
  19. Hi Emma, great advances , looking good. Looking forward to see the true fitting photos. I would recommend to wait after this fitting to think in trimming the thighs. remember measure twice or more, cut only once. keep on doing a great work, step by step. cheers
  20. We are sure you got this Thomas !!
  21. No discussion at all , we are here to help Thomas and every trooper to achieve the best they can do. Thank you @TheSwede,
  22. Hi, Thomas. A Daniel pointed, for more accuracy , the straps should be around 1". For level 3 approval It would may or not be an issue. but consider you and your dad are looking for the more accuracy level "Centurion " and for a personal reward, I would suggest to tray the fix or replace the strap. You can trim a little the strap and seal the edge with an soldering tool. cheers
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