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About Ninety-Nine

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    Cypress, CA
  • Interests
    The Empire!


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    Southern California Garrison

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  1. I certify you have served as my armorer and have spent at least 30 minutes providing hands-on help, trimming, building, and/or fitting of my armor that was awarded Expert Infantry status.
  2. Thanks guys!
  3. Thank you
  4. Thank you so much everyone!
  5. Haha not originally but once I noticed there were only 3 spots left I was hoping I'd land on 499! Thanks again to everyone for all of your help, suggestions, and kind words. Those fixes were totally worth it. I think the armor looks much better now. Onto the Hero!
  6. Thank you everyone for all of your help! So excited
  7. Photos on the original thread and update post have been replaced to improve some of the fit and finish issues and show off the changes we made last weekend! Hopefully this does it!
  8. Small update from this weekend. Working to get this done. Trimmed the ammo belt and removed and recentered the rivet covers... Disassembled, tapered, and reglued the forearms... Trimmed the back armor corners... Added clips to the posterior panel... And removed, reshaped, and re-centered the thigh ammo strip evenly, filling the old hole with ABS slurry...
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