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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About echo327

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    Expert Infantry

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Empire City Garrison

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  1. Here it is! Let's do this!!! TK35811 Respectfully requesting Centurion status in the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment. Name: Erick Spader TKID: TK 35811FISD Forum Name: Echo327Garrison/Squad: Empire City Garrison / Hudson Valley Squad Height / Weight: 5'6" / 155lbs Boot Maker: Imperial Boots Canvas Belt Supplier: Self Hand Guard Supplier: Trooperbay Holster Maker: Self Armor Maker: ATA Works / Self Helmet Maker: ATA Works / Self Blaster Maker: Self 3D Printed EIB Approval: Thank you so much for all your help and guidance through all of this. I look forward to representing the FISD and the 501st in the only way I know how. Long live the Empire!
  2. I know it's been a while since my last post on this thread but here I am again and ready to pull the trigger on Centurion! I was so excited to be part of the EIB 1000, so I had to throw my hat in the ring for Centurion. I just received the last piece of the puzzle for my Centurion build. The hand guards. I'm currently printing out the requirements check list for Centurion and the checklist for the photos I'll need to take. I'm so excited and maybe I'll be approved for the 500!!! Here we go kids!!!!
  3. Good luck!!! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  4. Welcome! You’re in the right place! Check out my build thread. I had absolutely no build experience before doing my ANH Stunt. If you have any questions please let me know. There are a whole lot of other threads that can help you too. Take the time to sift through and find what works for you. Good luck!
  5. Well, it finally happened! I got a break in the side of the chest piece. I think it's because I've been reaching into the side of the chest piece to adjust the volume of the amp I have mounted behind the chest. I'm using a leftover piece of plastic from the build to reinforce the side. This is why you keep the spoils. BTW, I made EIB!!! Keep trooping troopers! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  6. Erick Spader 35811 EIB Letter Sha Sha http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/35811-eib.png 271
  7. Thank you so much!! I'm so proud of the work I have done and proud to be part of this amazing group!! I just saw this post and that's why it took me so long to respond. This just rounds out my amazing day. It started with finding I have been chosen for a very awesome LFL event and now I'm officially EIB!! Thank you all for your time and encouragement! See you at Centurion next!!! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  8. Rubber or rubber-like chemical gloves in black. Check! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  9. I honestly thought that the rubber gloves were not part of the EIB. Not a problem. Do you need pictures of these in full uniform or can I just take pictures of the gloves and send to you? Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  10. Great work trooper!! Welcome aboard! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  11. White elastic strap connecting chest and back plate.... Check! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  12. Coming up! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  13. Here is a few pictures of the shoulder strap. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  14. Here are some fixes I've done for EIB status. Fixed the rivet on the cod. Fixed the paint on the frown. Here's to hoping!!!! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
  15. Here's a before and after of my bucket frown update. I had to put them side by side to really see the difference. Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
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