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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Lord_Potato

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    Virginia Beach


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    Garrison Tyranus
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  1. Hello! Best thing to do first is to have pictures of you wearing the armor since a lot of criteria involves not just how well/accurate the armor looks but how it also looks on you. Looking at photos submitted for TK pre approvals can give you a start on what kind of photos to take making sure certain details and requirements are easily viewable. It looks like a nice set of armor. Many troopers get their boots from imperial boots. Best of luck on this exciting journey.
  2. Troop #43 Event Name: Brick Fest Location: Hampton, Virginia Date: 31 December 2022
  3. Troop #42 Event Name: Mayflower Marathon Location: Newport News, Virginia Date: 18 November 2022
  4. Matt! That is wonderful! Welcome to Centurion. I am so happy you got approved! If you would like, I can make a small post documenting what I did to tailor my torso and let you know or tag you in it to satisfy your curiosity I took some photos when I did this can have it up in a few days. Again, congrats!
  5. I re uploaded the front pic. Let me know if it still cuts off and ill just dig out my armor and take pics of the biceps and show you how small they are LOL. Anways here again is the unmodified pic: and here is after tapering it: Well, your kit looks very nice, and you are already EIB. If you decide that that is something you would like to do, I can absolutely share with you what I did. I know how much time goes into making a kit. So if you can get to centurion with just the recommendations given by the admins, then that would be the path of least resistance.
  6. Another thing, I browsed through some of my old photos and found photos of my commissioned RS propmasters (no longer using it....retired it last year). RS did not modify the torso in any way (I thought they were....the website implies they make it built to your size). But they did size my biceps and forearms to my tiny arms. The reason I am sharing this is to help show you how a smaller-sized bicep and forearm will look compared to the rest of the armor to address your concern about proportions I ended up modifying the kit since I did not like how I was swimming inside the torso. Anyways, hopefully, this gives you an idea on how the arms might look.
  7. Good on you for being there despite whatever issues you were facing. Sometimes its a little lonely being the only one at a event or the slight stress of needing a extra set of eyes or assistance. I always feel bad when there is an event and looks like no one can make. You are a dedicated trooper and in the end of the day, the reaction and happiness from kids and adults always make it worth it.
  8. Wonderful looking FOTK. Trooping is very fun! Hope to see more.
  9. Troop #41 Event Name: Wave Church Trunk or Treat Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia Date: 30 October 2022 Fun times with my family. Noticed I have to adjust my shoulder bells. The elastic has kinda stretched out ever since my approval and I'm noticing it more and more. So far, that's the only issue I've experienced with my build.
  10. Hello! You have a great looking kit, and I think it's awesome you are trying to take your armor to the highest level. Regarding your forearms and biceps.....yes they are a little big and I understand the idea of putting some padding. The thing is that even with padding, the gaps where your arms are exposed will still give away that those armor pieces are a little big. You could try and just trim small amounts first. Size them a little smaller and then add some padding and see if that works. I also dont think sizing down your arms will make it look disproportionate and sizing down little by little will help you not get to that point. Maybe trim them down by a 1/4 inch, tape them together with masking tape, take pics, get opinions and then trim again.
  11. Troop #40 Event Name: Fandom Fest at Grissom Library Location: Newport News, Virginia Date: 29 October 2022
  12. Lord Potato is Respectfully requesting the 25 troop badge.
  13. Troop #39 Event Name: Zoo Boo at Norfolk Zoo Location: Norfolk, Virginia Date: 22 October 2022 HAD TO PLAY ALONG WITH THE STORMTROOPER ACCURACY TROPE HA HA!
  14. Troop #38 Event Name: Hampton Comicon Location: Hampton, Virginia Date: 20 October 2022
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