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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About MakeNoiseMan

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    Canadian Garrison
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  1. Troop #43: July 23rd, 2023—London Pride Parade, London, ON Parades are my favourite troops, and Pride parades especially so. It's always such a joy to participate. This year I got to debut my second pair of "parade arms", painted up permanently in blue and pink. Though I am not trans, the trans rights movement is very important to me. I was very glad to rep the cause. The gorgeous pauldron is from Teresa at Geeky Pink! My fiancée Carisa is the Jawa in this photo, and we were especially glad to have two of our friends come out for the first time as handlers - Dustin, on the far left, and Sienna, in the white jacket. Dustin is working on a Jawa to join us, too.
  2. Troop #42: July 22nd, 2023—London Comic Con Scavenger Hunt, London, ON This one was to drum up some attention for London Comic Con, which is in September. This park, Storybook Gardens, is a lovely place for kids. I used to visit it all the time when I was little. Great to be back there as a mascot. There didn't actually seem to be any scavenger-hunting, though—I'm not sure why the event was called that.
  3. Troop #41: July 1st 2023—Canada Day Parade, Windsor, ON Always enjoy this one! Big turnout. We blasted Star Wars marching tunes as we walked, it was awesome. I also got to use my new arms for the first time; I built additional arm pieces (Thanks Mark from AP!) that I could paint for parades instead of taping them up every time. I also bought pauldrons from Teresa at Geeky Pink, they are lovely! I love this photo of Vicki, the pilot.
  4. Troop #40: May 27th, 2023—Defeat Depression walk, London, ON Another photo op for a charity walk. This one for a cause that means a great deal to me. Happy to participate! I'm on the right.
  5. Troop #39: May 7th, 2023—Kids Help Phone walk, London, ON Last one of a triple-troop weekend, a nice easy photo op at the gathering area before a charity walk for Kids Help Phone. The Jawa is my bride-to-be, Carisa! We're getting married next June. Those who troop together!
  6. Troop #38: May 6th, 2023—Free Comic Book Day, London, ON The weather at this troop was absolutely ideal. Exactly the right temperature, a nice breeze, not a cloud in sight. Superb turn out. One of our handlers caught a photo I really like of me before the crowds showed up. And some other shots from the day. I'm generally the "thumb-up, gun-up" guy.
  7. Troop #37: May 5th, 2023—Star Wars Day school visit, Sarnia, ON My first time trooping at a school! Very cool to interact with such a wide age range of kiddos. Would love to do it again sometime. The only photo we kept for ourselves was this one:
  8. Troop #36: April 29th, 2023—CK Expo, Chatham, ON One of my favourite gigs of the year. A lovely, bite-sized convention. The only photo I got in my TK was from the Blast-a-Trooper range: Here I am again, this time in my Rebel Scum (Jedi) robes. And some other shots from the day. The members in our area have been making wonderful props, it's great to troop in front of these backdrops.
  9. Troop #35: March 3rd, 2023—London Children's Hospital Corus Radiothon, London, ON First troop of the year, and the 4-year anniversary of my first 501st troop! A wonderful event. Smiles aplenty. This is my favourite shot of the day. He wanted a stormtrooper to sign his cast. I signed my TK number. And some other shots of the group.
  10. Hello! Passed the 25 mark, requesting badge update. Thanks in advance!
  11. Troop #34: September 17th and 18th, 2022—London Comic Con, London, ON This one is the biggest one in my area this year, and it means so much to me that it went so well. When I joined the 501st, my area didn't have much activity - just a couple of members, in the next biggest city closest to mine. I was usually driving 1-2 hours for troops, which I was happy to do. Since then, however, our membership in London, Ontario (where I now live) has soared, and so many members are bringing all kinds of creative talents for set design and prop-making, which means that our showing at LCC this year was awesome. It was a really proud moment for me and the other members who have gotten to see London grow into what it has become: a bustling hive of scum and villainy Star Wars joy! I did several hours of Blast-a-Trooper, which continues to be my favourite thing ever: Carisa got to take her Jawa for another spin: And some other great shots of our members and props:
  12. Troop #33: August 26th, 27th and 28th, 2022—FanExpo Canada, Toronto, ON And here's the big one of the year! It was great to return to this event after so long. As much as I enjoy the smaller, more intimate events, there is something about the sheer number of costumes and props that really transports you to the galaxy far, far away. As always, I consider it privilege to participate. Some photos of me: I'm the third trooper back, with the earbuds in. (Shoutout to Ukswrath's hearing assist) A photography booth was offering free photos of cosplayers, so Carisa and I got some with our costumes: Now I switch over to rebel scum for a moment: And, as Carisa puts it, the tragic story of a Jawa who didn't get a blaster: Of course, as all you troopers are all aware, I couldn't see her hand until it was right in front of my face. We also got to meet Anthony Daniels. His car was delayed so his team snuck him into our change room to hide, totally unplanned. I was heading in for a drink of water and nearly bumped right into him from behind while he was telling movie set stories. The whole garrison got a good laugh after that. That's me standing to the side, in the Jedi outfit. And some other cool shots: This one honestly looks like it could have been ripped right from a movie. The Hoth backdrop from Atlantic Garrison was phenominal.
  13. Troop #32: July 24th, 2022—London Pride Parade, London, ON Pride parades are always among my favourites. Here is my Pride Trooper this year: This event was extra special because it was my partner Carisa's first troop as an approved Jawa! I sewed her robe myself. Thanks goodness Jawas are supposed to have frayed edges. Here she is with our special guest of honour, Grogu: Group shot:
  14. Troop #31: May 7th, 2022—Free Comic Book Day, London, ON Silly me, I missed another one. A great outdoor gig taking photos with folks waiting in line for free comics. I'm the "thumbs-up" trooper in this shot. And the rebels: And the droids: And the Mandos. Such good looking Mandos.
  15. Troop #30: July 1st, 2022—Canada Day Parade, Windsor, ON Return of my Maple Trooper! Great parade, huge turnout of people. It was overcast but it never rained!
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