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About Mr_Fahrenheit

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    Canada: Outer Rim Garrison

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  1. Thanks so much! This is great. I’ll take care of those fixes ASAP and look forward to trooping with you all. Also thanks for being so quick with the critique
  2. Absolutely. I basically just put a shim behind it, then sealed it with ABS slurry, sanded, then painted. Cheers!
  3. Mandatory Information Name = MisterTK ID = 42185Garrison/Squad = The Outer Rim GarrisonForum Name = Mr Fahrenheit Armor = Authentic Props Helmet = Authentic Props Blaster= 3D printed EIB submission link Optional Height = 5' 11" Weight = 205 lbs Boots = Imperial Boots Canvas belt = AP Hand Plates = Silicone AP Neck Seal = Geeky Pink Holster = AP Armour Photos Full Body Front - hand guards aren't a yellow-ish tint anymore. Right bicep was lowered so the forearms line up better. Full Body Back - filled in the gaps at the bottom of my thighs. Full Right - Dropboxes are lined up with edge of the belt Full Left Abdomen Detail - updated button paint. Removed a bunch so it's not touching the ab plate itself. Cod and Butt Plate Attachment Interior Strapping Helmet Detail Photos Front Sides Back Hovi tip detail Lens Colour - Though it's not as vibrant as the ones from Trooperbay, I used this one from amazon. It's darker, but green. Rubber S-trim Ammo belt Holster Attachment (front and back) Neckseal Blaster left side Blaster right side Blaster back (ring) Thermal detonator (all sides) Boots Ammo Rivet Sniper Knee (all sides) Gloves Shoulder Straps Chest Attachment Shoulder Straps Floating in Back and Elastic Attachment Forearms - shaved down the return edge Thanks all! Fingers crossed!
  4. Thanks for all the feedback. How is this for that return edge? Also, I cleaned up the buttons on the ab plate too, any thoughts: Thanks all!
  5. Thank you for such great feedback, and I'm super thankful for the EI acceptance! As for the handguards, believe it or not, they used to be about 5x more yellow. I spent the whole day bleaching them and leaving them out in the sun. They came white, but I don't know what happened, over time they just turned extremely yellow. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue before? I got them in the AP kit and haven't seen anyone else with such yellow handguards. Anyways! On to fulfill level three! I'll make sure to adjust all of the things you listed.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I made the changes and replaced some of the images where needed. Please have another look and let me know if it's missing anything else. You can CTRL+F "edited" and it should take you to where I've made some updates. Thanks again!
  7. Mandatory Information Armor = AP Helmet= AP Blaster= 3D Printed Optional Height = 5' 11" Weight = 210 lbs Boots = Imperial Boots Canvas belt = AP Hand Plates = Silicone AP Neck Seal = Geeky Pink Holster = AP Armour Photos Full Body Front Full Body Back Full Right Full Left Right Side Detail Left SIde Detail Action Shot Abdomen Detail Cod and Butt Plate Attachment (edited, removed white paint on crotch rivet exterior) Interior Strapping Helmet Detail Photos Front (edited, removed paint overlapping upper gums on several teeth) Sides Back Hovi tip detail (edited, added white paint to rim of Hovi tips) Lens Colour (edited, took different photos with different lighting) Though it's not as vibrant as the ones from Trooperbay, I used this one from amazon. It's darker, but green. Ammo belt Holster Attachment (front and back) Neckseal Blaster left side Blaster right side Blaster back (ring) Thermal detonator (all sides) Boots Ammo Rivet Sniper Knee (all sides) Gloves Shoulder Straps Chest Attachment Shoulder Straps Floating in Back and Elastic Attachment (edited, added different angle to see white strapping under shoulder) Forearms (edited, added a few shots of the wrists. Wasn't sure exactly what was needed here so I took a few shots from different angles)
  8. TK-42185 requesting my status change. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=29758 Thank you
  9. Haha okay, I’ve submitted my photos! Thanks for the push
  10. Hmmmmm I’ll consider that, thanks!
  11. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try that out next time I put it on. Also... get a sexy pose. It should be mandatory. Yeah I noticed that a lot of troopers have their thighs angled a little outwards. I tried that a bit by readjusting the garter, and the thighs came up a bit. I can angle them out a bit more and they should come up easily. It also makes the sniper knee position look a little more natural. But if that doesn’t work, i’ll see about resizing them completely. Yeah, I got a lot of junk in the trunk, but I can always use the snap the furthest away from the cod as the anchor. That may help. If not, I’ll see about tightening the elastic. Thanks so much! I still have those few tweaks to take care of, the internals of the helmet, and then the blaster to build. But hopefully soon!
  12. Me again! I've made a few tweaks and would love some feedback. Since my last post, I angled the shoulders inwards, and tried to level out the lopsided chest piece over the abdomen. I also made the thigh strapping. So here is my first post with a full suit! For the back, I just noticed that my left bicep strap ran up and over the top of the bicep. I'll see about making sure that stays in place somehow. I also see that my forearms aren't very symmetrical when on my arms. I'll see why next time I put it on. I have the white elastic for the shoulder straps, just haven't put that on yet. The sides. Though this isn't a submission, I thought I would just do the main submission photos to help anyone point out stuff. The cool pose. And the sexy pose. Thanks for any feedback!
  13. That's great, thank you. I'll check it out!
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