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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About Twosolitudes

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  • Position
    Expert Infantry


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Canadian Garrison
  • Troops Completed

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  1. Awesome, we’ll see you on a troop eventually!
  2. Welcome to the FISD Arvin! Where in Canada are you located?
  3. Welcome to the FISD! You’re in the right place, and you and your husband will find all the info you need from finding an armour kit to the steps in putting it together yourself if you go that route. I knew nothing about what was involved and do not consider myself handy with building things, but with the help I found here was able to build my ANH Stunt kit.
  4. Congrats and welcome! Lots of information and support available here if you need it, just reach out.
  5. Hop Suisse! Welcome to the FISD!
  6. Hey Dan, welcome from Burlington. Look forward to meeting you on a troop!
  7. Bonjour Terry and bienvenue! In addition to the wealth of info here, if you haven’t already you may want to reach out to the Fortresse Imperiale for more support on your TK journey: https://501stqc.ca Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
  8. Niagra Falls Comicon. Im the TK by Vader, and the Jedi is Paul Sun-Hyung Lee
  9. Welcome Gerald! You’ll find a wealth of info and support here, as well as a few troopers from the Canadian Garrison who can also lend you a hand and or some tools if necessary.
  10. Congrats on what will be the first of many!
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