Thank you! Thank you! All good suggestions to help get me to Centurion thank you so much.
I'll take a look at what's making my helmet ride higher. I don't think I have too much padding in there but I'll double check that. I'll see how much play I have with my right ear and adjust it as much as I can, but I'm not sure how much plastic will be left underneath the ear.
Tubes stripes are no problem to fix. I thought I had the fall correct but now that I see your reference pictures that helps a lot! A couple questions about the stripes though, If I put them on backwards but the left side has more room because of the ear's angle, how do more stripes fit on the shorter right side? Because the stripes are not the same quantity on each side correct? Also, are you saying decals are accepted for Centurion now or still painted?
Vocoder is an easy fix. So is ab buttons and det. Belt question, There are specific dimensions for where the holster is mounted in relation to the plastic belt, If I cut a little more off the plastic to line up better with the canvas then these dims will change. Is this an issue for Centurion or no because it's only 2-3mm difference?
Those are all my questions for fixes for now. I expect you'll see my Centurion application soon! Thank you for your approval and feedback!