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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Freddybear

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southampton, UK
  • Interests
    Lord of the Rings, Chicago Bears, Movies


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison

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  1. Congratulations all. Honored to be a part of this.
  2. Dave Fredericks 18034 EIB A4 Mario (TKSpartan) Thanks http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/18034-eib.png
  3. Awesome! Thanks for the feedback Mario. Lots to be getting on with.
  4. Okay, so I tried repainting the frown with some modelling acrylic paint that I had to hand. Technically it meets requirements now but I am not really happy with the finish. It is quite thick with visible brush strokes if you look closely so I will still be cleaning it off and repainting once the proper enamel paint comes. I plan on going Centurion eventually so it will certainly be rectified before then.
  5. Ok well that has thrown a spanner in the works. I tried taking a little off with non acetone remover and a tooth pick but it just chipped and looks terrible now. I purchased this helmet pre painted so I've had to order the paint now myself so that I can redo the frown. Will hopefully have it done at the weekend assuming the paint comes before then.
  6. Well done! Hopefully I won't be far behind you :)
  7. Cheers Scott. You'll discover a new found freedom trooping as a TIE. It is so much easier to move around. I did not realise just how restrictive a TK was until now. Respect to y'all!
  8. Internal pics of Thigh ammo pack single capped rivets as requested:
  9. Name: Dave Fredericks 501st ID #: 18034 FISD Username: Freddybear Garrison: United Kingdom Legion profile: https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=24942 Armor: RWA Creations Helmet: RWA Creations Blaster: Doopy Doos with heavy modifications Boots: Imperial Warfighters Canvas Belt: RWA Creations Hand Plates: Silicone Neck seal: RWA Creations Holster: RWA Creations Electronics: Troopacoola dual fan system with Anker battery. Recently cleared basic with the following submission pics: Gloves: Rubber with silicone hand guards Neck Seal: Two piece Under Armor body suit with balaclava: Boots: Helmet: Thermal Detonator with flathead screws painted black: Belt: Wrists no return edge: Ammo thigh capped rivets painted white: Sniper knee: Han snap: Left side split rivets painted white: Cod brass rivet and butt snaps: Ab buttons: Shoulder bridges front and back: E11 Blaster with M38 scope, metal screws, original counter inners, aluminum trigger guard, movable ARS switch, magnetised ammo clip, working locking pin and removable end cap:
  10. As a British Firefighter the number 999 appeals to me as it is the equivalent of the US 911 but right now I just want to get in. I feel like I'm cutting it close as it is!
  11. Hey everybody. I joined the 501st UK Garrison as a TIE pilot in 2017 but have been lurking here for just as long. Finally picked up a TK kit from RWA and with Cableguy's tutelage on the Garrison boards acquired basic approval with it this week. Just waiting for full forum access now so I can go for EIB.
  12. I'm just waiting for access so that I can submit my EIB application. Got basic approval last week.
  13. Please enable 501st stormtrooper access so I can apply for Expert Infantry please TK18034 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=24942
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