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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by robojoe

  1. Today was a bit of a tear jerker. We trooped a conference of families with children suffering from a terminal degenerative brain condition in Crystal City, VA. There were a lot of smiles from the kids. There were also many times they would take our hands and not let go. This is why we do what we do.
  2. July 2019 This was a dream troop of a lifetime!! Weird Al at Wolf Trap, VA. And I got the Al hug!!
  3. May 2019 Spring Fest, Fair Lakes, VA
  4. December 2018 Scottish Walk Christmas Parade in Alexandria, VA. Kilted Fun!!
  5. December 2018 Candle Lighter's Christmas Party at Inova Fairfax Pediatric Oncology Unit.
  6. I've been terrible at keeping up with this log, so let's fix that! Here are the last several troops. The first couple are a nice winter memory, given how hot it is now! The Holiday Parade in Reston, VA from November 2018
  7. 2/18/23 I give permission for FISD to repost my photos on social media in an appropriate fashion. My first troop at the National Museum of the Marine Corps during their Semper Force day (10/13/2018) That's me behind Baby Vader. Aren't I a little short for a stormtrooper? My Staff Officer wife made a new friend! The whole group from Garrison Tyranus and the Old Line Garrison.
  8. TK-78808 requesting access. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=27300
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