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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. Very cool toaster and good luck with your application....even though it looks like a no-brainer and again...awesome build
  2. Awsome work with this build! ...going to use magnets (for the shins) for my builds as well (anovos TX in the making and waiting for the TK to arrive) A lot of great tips on your build, both from you and others and...can`t wait to see before and after shots...keep it up
  3. Oh...I thought this was were you posted about, for instance, the shadowtrooper..Thanks guys I'd be sure to check it out! "Must have took a wrong turn" -Luke Skywalker ANH
  4. Today was a big day....BBB-day (trooper should be black ) Laying out the pieces...loving it! Getting some work done right of the bat Heavy trimming going on... Shiny even with the protective plastic still on....too bad there aren`t enough hours in the day to keep working on it...I´m not trimming as fast as I know some of you can...but I´m in no hurry Bicep pieces are to small though....whats best, remove return edge or shim?
  5. Haha yeah they´re great for trooping and ​thank you for the kind words and again thanks for this awsome tread and yes, I spent many hours watching this, making adjustments then watching it again and so on..and still not entirely finished...today we`re about to fix the cammostraps and the hook-thingy (thanks again) and still waiting for more accurate buckles and webbing for the "roll" to arrive...it`s been a great project to work on and you can always do tweeks to make it more and more accurate.
  6. "Together we rule the galaxy - as father and son" Went for a second viewing - but this time we went in style! Please ignore the incorrect straps (the correct ones came to day but didn`t have enough time to replace), the "temp-hook" (also came today, thanks to Mr Paul for making them easy to obtain) and the hastily put together "blasters". And Oh.. my sons shoes . The antenna cable has fallen out...so much for looking sharp on patrol....oh well, at least it`s in style with the CE prop =) Got Kyber..? Allright...move along..move along Mission accomplished​! Thank you all for the hard work you put in this awsome build-thread (and....I will replace the webbing as well) Keep on trooping
  7. Hmm..that didn`t work-- (tried to upload Pictures)
  8. If sold out, find a similar rod and replace..you wanna look sharp on patrol
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