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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. I´m sure you´ll do just fine in making the armour work for you, and based on your pics I would say your cutting skills are just fine to
  2. Good to hear and either way is fine as long as you make sure that the bottom of the thighs aren`t significally bigger than the top of the shins, or vice versa if that make sence? I prefer the "cone-shaped" legs vs the more boxy ones. There´s some twisted sniperknees here but this is how the legs should look like (more or less anyways)
  3. I used a white version on my build and didn`t have an issue but you could tape it on the inside just to be safe And you don`t have to taper it if it restricts your movements, it looks fine as is, from the pic it looked like there was some room for it which would help in giving that sleek "movie-look", however doing so wouldn`t make the top to flare out, just make sure it`s securely taped in the back, at the very top of the thigh keeping it together as you reduce the eventual gap at the knee. AND...You might want to wait in doing any final cutting until you got your shins taped up to see how it looks together---it`s all about the look Which brings me to mobility well...it sucks..plain and simple someone wrote somwhere on this forum that "all the rebels had to do to prevent the stormtroopers to charge their secret base was to ad a step or two" If you want/need to you can cut some out of the back of the tighs/shins like these troopers did (a bit hard to see) Personally I want to minimize the black showing so I didn`t cut any and this is how I walk (sorry if I clutter your build with all of my stuff)
  4. Great progress From the pic it looks like it would do the trick...question: do you have room to taper it more at the knee? and if the painters tape is "acting up" you could always use duct tape for a better hold
  5. I built 2 suits and used zap-a-gap on both I have zero jedi-patience but anyways..use which ever glue you`re comfortable with and I agree with you on amazing info, reading all this stuff is just as fun as the actual building and ....it´s addictive to, currently waiting on my third set and can`t wait to start a new build
  6. Another Stormtrooper in the making *yeey* I Think you made the right choice in replacing the lens good luck with your build
  7. "Armorbuilding with TK1336" on YouTube is also a great source, one of the builds are anovos for centurion...in case you haven't seen it
  8. What ever works right
  9. Sounds great! Happy to help
  10. Congratz on BBB-day it`s an awesome feeling and...in the of chance you haven`t already found it here`s a very detailed Anovos build https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35086-ukswraths-anovos-tk-build/ Good luck with your build and great to hear you aim for Centurion - be all you can be trooper -
  11. They go like this, if you want the screen-accurate look (top is left arm)Some use snaps, I just glued them in movie-wise Trooper on the right RS suit (right arm)
  12. Did you put the lenses inside the eye-opening? not sure if it`s my Eyes playing tricks on me...but if so I think you need some new ones I´m afraid....or...be super-patient when trying to fit them, my advice would be to replace, so much easier and there`s a lot of places to buy lenses from, trooperbay is one, he also has turtorials that show how to install them, some buy welding protection lens and cut to size, troopermaster is another source. Here´s a thread about it https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/42659-original-tk-bucket-lenses/ Hope it helps
  13. Easy fixes pretty soon you`ll be doing the TK -
  14. Almost there... One thing though, the rear coverstrip om the right Shin looks a bit long (pic#2) other than that, excellent work
  15. Great work on those shims! and..you are good to go for centurion, keep it up
  16. Welcome back and..either way is fine, personally I prefer pic #1 Here´s some RS reference
  17. Great Pictures and best of luck on approval...here´s to soon beeing a TK
  18. Hey Avi, it`s actually a good thing if the lens has some gap to help reduce fogging of the lens, but if you can post a pic it would help to see what can be done with what you already got
  19. Yeey to first cut! Only downhill from now on No apologies needed, this is your build and one should take as much time as one needs and like Randy said, the pieces don´t line up like you would expect, but no worries, it`s all about the overall look and the odly shaped left forearm won´t be noticable when you dawn the White Armor - awesome feeling by the way however...some reshaping might be needed and the "hot water-bath" is the more common method, some use a heat gun although there´s a greater risk in warping the plastic - you`ve been warned
  20. That´s great! more space to work in and to display your TK and...all kidding aside, congratz to your new "homestead"
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