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Jayben Kenobi

501st Member[501st]
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About Jayben Kenobi

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    Starkiller Garrison

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  1. I don't believe it had to wet sand mine. I did get something called a tack cloth that I used to get the dust off of my armor. They are pretty cheap and work very well to remove dust. Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
  2. Hello! Rust-Oleum worked great with mine. No issues at all for me. Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
  3. Requesting 501st Access TK 26031 Starkiller Garrison https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=25918
  4. Hello First Order enthusiasts! I had a quick question about the TK designation for First Order Troopers. In the film, The Force Awakens, the traitor FN-2187, given two letters at the beginning of his trooper ID number. Apparently, there were a number of other troopers in Captain Phasma's FN Training Corp that were also given the "FN" designation. In the newly released book "Phasma" the FO troopers also have letters at the beginning of the trooper ID number. Does the 501st plan to adopt this policy for First Order Troopers so that all of the First Order troopers don't start off with "TK" or does the 501st plan just to stick with the "TK" designation for the White Armor Stormtroopers? I'm fine either way, but I figured I would ask.
  5. Kill'em with humor...exactly. Stormtroopers not being able to hit anything is popular joke with a lot of Star Wars fans. There are memes galore on the internet about that topic lol. I can see how it can bother someone when they are suited up. Just remember, it's all in fun and don't get too flustered. Some people may be heckling you to be mean and others could just be picking at you in a nice way. Here are some good comebacks! (Have fun with the people picking at you) "Hey Stormtrooper, you can't hit anything!!!" I stared at the Death Star Laser too long Neither can Han Solo...Anymore We don't need to hit anything, we have Darth Vader (good one if Vader is trooping with you) Tell that to the villagers on Jakku. Oh yeah? Alderaan thought that too. Silence Rebel Scum!
  6. To add to some of the great comebacks here are some more: "Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?" I fought Obi Wan but he had the high ground I was sat on by Jabba the Hutt We can't all be Chewbacca I was stepped on by an AT-AT I'm a distant relative to the Ewoks so...
  7. I benefitted greatly from this Pinned post while it still has pictures to view. I created a thread just like this one. It is in the First Order Stormtrooper section so that people can still see TK4205's method in action. Here is the link to the thread:
  8. So far so good. The sintra I bought seems to keep the magnets separated enough so that I don't have to pull very hard to get them loose and I glued them down with E6000 so the magnets seem to be pretty stationary [emoji3] Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
  9. These speakers seem to work nice. Ukswrath sells a FO Helmet Audio System. Not sure if that is what you're looking for though. Here's the links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WnqDmUW0F https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/32951-fs-ukswraths-fo-tk-helmet-audio-system/
  10. I think tapatalk is so popular because its easier for some to post pictures from their phones. There are more people with smart phones than with laptops and desktop computers. I think that is another reason the mobile app is so popular. PC's have been declining since 2011. A survey in 2015 concluded that 80% of online adults use a smartphone. Google also stated that in at least 10 countries, mobile use of their site was larger than desktop usage. I am fortunate enough to have a laptop and a smartphone. Personally, I think its easier to post a thread using a computer. Posting pictures however, especially for people who aren't tech savvy, is much easier through tapatalk. By the way, if I haven't said this in another thread somewhere, a big thank you to Web Team for the site. I find it very easy to navigate and post on.
  11. Way to go Web Team!
  12. Hello Bromeo. The cheapest way to build decent armor that looks good is to go the craft foam route. If you are not worried about screen accuracy, you can build some good looking armor for a reasonable price. A lot of people make Iron Man Armor, Halo Armor, World of Warcraft Armor, ect...out of craft foam and it looks fantastic. I will link you to a few guys on YouTube that can help you out. Evil Ted Smith's Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/evilted40 Punished Props Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC27YZdcPTZM24PgjztxanEQ Heroes Workshop (One of the best Foam Iron Man builders out there. Can use a lot of his techniques to make a Foam Stormtrooper) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRc7kkxpHTIbd6JehP9wKbw Xieng Prod https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3818VG9PBTLiUFQ0nDW0tw
  13. I also use Flickr so I want to perform a test to help the I.T. Team diagnose the issue. I will try to up load a photo on this site from Flickr using my desktop computer. Test Photo: From my desktop computer I can see a Stormtrooper from the New Film The Last Jedi holding a futuristic looking battle ax of some type. Let me know if this post is view-able on your end. Thanks!
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