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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Gh0stxxiv

Member Title

  • Position
    Expert Infantry

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County
  • Interests
    Does beer count?


  • EIB Awards
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Standard Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Southern California Garrison

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  1. congrats and welcome
  2. wow, Congratulations Justin Reed. Well earned awards. We appreciate everything you do.
  3. Thanks for all the feedback and EIB approval. I will defo be correcting the things listed for Centurion as soon as I can.
  4. Thanks everyone. And special thanks to Justin. He’s got a talent for this kind of stuff for sure.
  5. I certify that Justin “TheRascalKing” Reed has served as my armorer and has spent at least 30 minutes providing hands on help trimming, building and fitting my armour that was Just awarded Expert Infantry status.
  6. Some different angles. Lemme know if this is ok or needs some tweaking. Cheers.
  7. Tightened belt AND strapping, and I’m on a diet…lol
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I actually did paint them with a dab of white paint last night.
  9. Fixed and new front/back/side images have been posted in my original post above. Trimmed and edges squared on Rascal's belt sander and I touched the blue paint up a bit as well while I had it off. This took WAY more than 15 minutes, but the paint has been cleaned up on the teeth and a bit on the vocoder tops as well. Let me know if anything else is needed and thank you!
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