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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by JBar

  1. Awesome are you planning on building the kit yourself or buying it assembled? Regardless feel free to make a build threat showing off whatever work you end up doing: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/82-esb-build-threads/
  2. Good luck! Let us know when you get approved and looking foward to a troop log: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/13-field-training-exercises/
  3. May 4th was my goal as well. I got approved on the 3rd! Hopefully you don't have to cut it as close
  4. Good advice above. Keep in mind it'll all depend ultimately on your local GML. I don't know anyone in your area but have you been able to reach out to your Palmetto Garrison?
  5. Wow that looks MUCH better. From what I've seen I like their armor but I never noticed how thick those mic tips are. Thanks for the tutorial
  6. Woah congrats! So glad to have another EIB!
  7. If this helps here's a document I made after building my first TK. I tried to make it bite sized step by step. At the very least I hope it helps with some basic assembly and reference pics. It's still a work in progress so I haven't done my big reveal but here's the rough draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zDc4mtEDg0A_SfHcZXgXtmkzhSrBwaReTHWvdrcmMJg/edit?tab=t.0 Really excited to have you. I hope you enjoy the process. You'll become an expert by the end
  8. Looking forward to a build thread
  9. Ah! Of course got too excited thank you... Requesting 25 troop badge: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/55085-25-tk-91213s-troop-log-social-media-consent/
  10. I hit #25 at the Oheka Castle in NY. Requesting profile badge
  11. 501st Troop: 57 FISD Troop: 25 Event: Toys Of Hope Holiday Party at Oheka Castle Location: Oheka Castle, Huntington, New York 11743 Date: 12/19/24 And that's 25 troops just before the end of the year! Oheka Castle on Long Island is an amazing troop. Lots of happy kids and some very famous/historical rooms Any Swifities here? Recognize anything familiar?
  12. 501st Troop: 56 FISD Troop: 24 Event: NYPD Anchor Club Widow & Children Christmas Party Location: Immaculate Conception Center, Queens, NY Date: 12/15/24
  13. Looks like you're doing your research. We're so happy that you're interested. Joining the 501st has given me so many amazing opportunities and it's one of if not my favorite hobby. Please let us know if you have questions
  14. Buying from a legitimate vendor is enough work on its own. Buying something that's from what I've seen introduces a whole new host of issues. I'd do everything you can to stick with trusted sources. When armor is this cheap it's a red flag that something isn't right
  15. Hey great to see! Congrats!!!
  16. 501st Troop: 55 FISD Troop: 23 Event: CPNassau Sugar Plum Ball & Galactic Gala Location: CPNassau Sugar Plum Ball & Galactic Gala Date: 12/08/24
  17. 501st Troop: 54 FISD Troop: 22 Event: Salvation Army Toy Drive, West Islip, NY Location: 866 Fire Island Ave, West Islip NY Date: 12/07/24
  18. 501st Troop: 53 FISD Troop: 21 Event: Toys for Tots Massapequa Location: John J. Burns Park Massapequa, NY Date: 12/07/24
  19. Looking great and super festive too! Be sure to log all your hard work here: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/13-field-training-exercises/ Looking forward to more great pics
  20. Now as for the other parts check out this document I made: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zDc4mtEDg0A_SfHcZXgXtmkzhSrBwaReTHWvdrcmMJg/edit?tab=t.0 It goes through my whole WTF build process so hopefully it can help. In the document I went into how to figure out what piece goes to what side under the "Prep" section. Basically the right forearm has 12 divets and the left has 11. The left forearm underside is a lot more curvy in shape. Left of the left side and right on the right The biceps have the left underside side with the "thumbprint" on it. Like the forearms it has a more curvy top half to match. Left bicep on the top and right on the bottom Left bicep on the left and right on the right For the thighs the two halves of the right side are a bit taller than the left side pieces. This time the right thigh is on the left side And again all this is in my document if you want to take a look. Hope this helps. Apologies that Imgur is having massive issues and I can't format pictures properly
  21. Great question. This is the best answer I can give after several messages with Walt and even asking him in person. The idea is the outer leg pieces have a "straight" raised edge and the inners have an "angled" raised edge. You'll notice that in this configuration the bottoms of the shins are completely unaligned (especially the right leg) and this is ok. All you have to do is shave down the bottoms to retain their original shape until they match. Generally the outer halves are the same length if not a little longer than the inner sides. Personally my legs are not in the configuration above and are instead shown here. I put the two "outer" legs together on the right side and the two "inner" legs on the left. Walt initially said that my bottom picture was correct but he later also said the first image is correct so I'm not entirely sure he knows. He's made a few videos too but isn't clear on what part goes where. I was still able to pass centurion however so if you get it "wrong" it's not a big deal
  22. Does that rebel pilot drive a mouse droid?
  23. Awesome I think the TK is an incredibly rewarding build. Here's the Holy Grail of getting started: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/38-getting-started-read-this-first/ Pair that with the Rogue One TK pinned topics and you should be in a great spot: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/162-rogue-one/ Also hope to see a build log soon as well! You can make one here: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/196-rogue-one-build-threads/ Good luck! Reach out with your questions along the way
  24. I love the name Keith. That's really cool that you want to refurbish him. I wish I had some tips but all the armor I've worked with is fairly new
  25. I haven't been on the search but I haven't seen an FX kit for sale in a while from recent memory. Are you looking specifically for FX? As for a wookie I have no clue where to start
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