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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by Soulart

  1. No no!!!! Don't apologize for asking questions!! It's how we learn about things! I question things and people often. Including myself (Teresa, why are you doing that... will this work... how do you create this to be better... how functional is this... does it look right?) I constantly question. I'm very literal. And an ocd detail freak... (not always a good thing) I'm betting a one piece would be approved . Why not? If ribs were puffy, seams spaced the proper distance apart and looked like rubber gaskets, and were in the right places... had a good accuracy, it would be approved. Level 3 for certain would be a rubber gasket. In special features Blu Ray version of TFA, you get to see Phasma without her chest armor on. There were great shots of the vest gasket/shoulder area. No one would ever EVER see the detailing in the construction as she covers it in her armor. But I now know it's there. And feel compelled to design and sew a new cloth set just like it. Just so it "looks" movie accurate. Though , no one ever sees it on screen.... The folds on the front of her cape.... It was detail heaven for me watching that. And certainly made me change things on my build. Now that I'm talking about the movie, I think I should go watch special features again! HA!!! T Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you. XO Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  3. Thank you. XO Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  4. [emoji173][emoji173][emoji173][emoji173]xo Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  5. Shiver me timbers. Arggghhhh me scurvy TK Twin! You are very kind. Thank you. Xo Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  6. If there's anything I can do to help her smile, just say the word! If I can send a pic or message, just tell me where! Xo (I'm ever so grateful Tap a Talk is back up and running!) But thank you for the suggestions! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  7. Yes sir. Great work all around. By all! [emoji173] Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  8. I hope we get to see him many more times as well. Healthy. Happy. Running around having saber battles with his Sister. I certainly hope to report back with a pic of him in his TK. He has been doing better, and celebrated his 7th birthday on the 24th! Last years birthday, saw us meeting him for the first time in Hospital at the beginning of his terrible diagnosis. I love seeing photos of him with his hair growing back Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Andy. It's Teresa with Geeky Pinks Phantastic Gaskets [emoji4]Each undersuit is based upon what each costumers personal preference is. I personally do not wear a one piece. I just cannot do it. My custom made gaskets are $170-190usd.... Unless you are also referring to a custom harness, neck seal etc.... Which I offer as a full meal deal..... No matter which gasket maker you go with, ( and all of us that make them, are really good and care about your costumes) you will still need some form of a harnessing system to hold your bits in place. Regarding full shirts and one piece outfits, I have asked myself about this too..... And as a seamstress, and an avid costumer, my response to myself ( and you) is this... (I've thought on this hard , for what may seem or look cool and reasonable, may not be practical .) 1. How would you clean it.... Without degradation of the gaskets... our bodies get brutal under that armor.... Breathability is always a concern for me, as not only do I wrap my body in a 2 piece suit,/ shorts and tank top and gaskets, but I also strap a canvas tent to my back. Ewww.... I troop for hours. Not minutes, like they shoot in the movies. I want my body as comfortable as it can be, and my armor not to shift nor move. When Fabrics get wet, what do they do.... Stretch. Lose shape... 2. Weight of armor attaching to a stretchy fabric suit... will the weight of pieces on different Fabrics rip out or weaken stitching? My answer is yes... 100% yes. Constant removing of armor pieces off of a one piece suit will certainly wear it out much faster than a separate gasket. What happens when all your stitching comes undone... thankfully, I could fix that... but can all of our customers that buy our goods? Probably not, if you've asked us to create for you in the first place. 3. Now this is personal, I'd feel like a sausage. In casing. I think I'd feel squeezed, and if I ever thought I may need to use the washroom, my entire frigging suit of armor and wet undersuit needs to be peeled off my body. AND someone needs to help me... Again, SO much ewwww... 4. Cloth is not rubber... it will not last as long as rubber either. Ever. Sewing it onto a one piece suit, will lessen the life of the gasket. Or life of suit. (Cloth will not last forever regardless if it's in 2 pieces or more either) I want my customers to have them as long as they can. I'm sure Imperial Gaskets, Sister Margaret, and any other creator will want you to preserve them too. I can't speak for others, but I do know they put care and thought into their sewing too. We all want you to look the best you can, and be as comfortable as you can be, while looking amazing! I do not know about Imperial Boots suits, and again, we all purchase based on our personal wants and needs. I also bet they are amazing! And in NO way am I knocking their product. If you say they are killer, I trust that they are! These are just my own reasons or thoughts as a costumer and seamstress in response to your question. 5. How are you going to attach armor in place to be certain your armor stays in place. Are you attaching with velcro? Snaps? Strapping? Elastic? Where. How. Is it too much stress on the suit. Or gasket? Again so much of personal preference comes into play here for what you think will work best for your build. The longest I've stayed in my ottk is 9.5 hours. Longest time in my Phasma has been 6.5. I despise armor shifting out of place. My gasket pieces are all separate. Spaced precisely where I want them for my body measurements. Velcro attaches to the insides of armor piece very securely. Each piece is separate, for minimal strain or stress to each gasket from armor pieces. Shorter the gasket piece, less stress and strain to it. (From a force and friction point of view) also, a single piece is easier to replace if needed, rather than an entire suit... My harness is truly the foundation and security for my entire armor. Gaskets attach to it. Armor attaches to it. Nothing moves unless I want it to. Regardless what I have on for under clothes. Which sometimes is a pair of compression shorts mid thigh and a tank top or sports bra! Have you marched Kilometers in a sweltering hot parade? It's deathly hot with my canvas tent on my back.. I honestly thought to offer a pair of shorts for the FO wearers... accurate looking, yet more functional. I just have my own set I've built so far. HA... sorry if that was a bit too much info! [emoji4] but I have given this serious thought.... Our hobby is ridiculous to some, and it can be costly. OK... it is costly. But it is great. Your questions are valid, and have mirrored some of my own. Please feel free to message me with any concerns or questions you may have with anything I create. Or just costuming in general! I'm happy to respond honestly and openly. Teresa Soulart TK 41307 Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  10. And you all are welcome to my home any time. I will cook for the masses, and gladly give up my beds any day! Mmmmm. Tabbouleh and Dogs Breakfast. Mmmm Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  11. Awwwwww. You really are lovely, you know this right?????!!! ! And I cherish being your twin! Twin Powers activate! (Oops... wrong Universe!) XO Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  12. You know, dang it, I was going to guess that!!!!!!! It just sounds SO cool! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  13. Thank you. Thank you for reading xo Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  14. Thank you! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  15. Thank you for reading! I appreciate that you did. Please, what is ECCC.... (I apologize. I don't know what that is. Is it a comic con? (The cc may suggest?) Something else? Regardless, I'm glad you both went too, and that it turned into an amazing experience Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  16. Thank you Sha Sha! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  17. Thank you! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  18. Bahahaha Captain Sass! Sassafras? Sassalicious? Sassy Pants? Oh dear.... I guess it's apparent no matter the armor.... *sigh* Though I only March in my TK, like the rest. Must have unity. I only do the Phasma strut as the Captain... Next time, I'm wearing her, I'll be sure to get a video just for you! Xo Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  19. And finally, the Grande Prairie Pride Family Carnival June 24th 2017 Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  20. Edmonton Pride June 2017 Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  21. Calgary Pride Parade September 2016 Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  22. Original Grande Prairie Family Carnival and Party In White June 25 2016 Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  23. After this post, you will have a better understanding of who I am as a person, as well as a trooper. What trooping means to me each time I wear a costume. This posting is my memoirs and reflection of the very first Pride event our Garrison participated in, as well as marking the First anniversary of it. I'll start by being clear (but kind) , and In no way, will I tolerate any negative, discriminatory or abusive comments left surrounding a troop, relating to basic human rights. Please don't comment any negative. This is not a political issue. In any way, shape, or form. I understand our opinions may differ greatly, and that really is OK, but remember, this is MY field troop log, my account of my time, and it has such great meaning to me. We write about our moments in our armor. And what it means to us, what we did, etc.... ( last pride report left me defending myself) I will write about it with passion, care, love, happiness, excitement and yes, it will be long...... Sigh....(one day I promise I'll write a short report, and you'll all be shocked!!!!!) If it's a touchy subject for you, please do not read on, and I truly mean this respectfully. My intention is not to be crusty or offend anyone. Ever. I've lumped a few events into one posting. (Saves me writing more novel field reports!) (Saves people reading them too!) HA! Here we go! Last June, you will recall the shootings in Orlando... who can forget... I was teaching memory keeping with my group of women I meet with monthly when I heard. I felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest... I was filled with anger. Sorrow. Horror. And I cried. For everyone involved. I live remote Northern Alberta Canada. Oil country. Farmers. Ranchers. Not necessarily a gay / lesbian accepting area. (OK... not really at all...) The nearest city to me is an hour away, and the very same day I learnt about the Orlando shooting, was day I learnt this city of appx 69,000 was going to host its very first Pride Celebration! Which is a huge deal! Being an advocate and supporter of the LGBT community since my brother was young, I wanted to be involved. Not only were they hosting a beautiful family Pride Carnival day, but also an evening event called ”Party In White" Well, what could be more white that a StormTrooper... (no racism or discrimination or pun intended here) I wanted to be a part of it. I offered myself to volunteer at the event. I'd have painted Glitter rainbows on the attendees, anything! (I do sparkly body art as a hobby) As I was trying to get this area aware and utilizing the new found Legion presence, I asked the Pride Society's President if a StormTrooper or two would be something he would be interested in. Seeing as it was a family event for all. Being a huge SW nerd himself, of course he lost his mind, and went over and above to accommodate if anyone could come. Whether this was an approved Event, or I went on my own, I knew I was going. No matter the consequences..... I was fired up and feisty, (as I tend to get when things of magnitude affect me) I was speaking with my TK twin Pyrates, and he was listening to me rant. Rave. He knew I was going. And he knew I was going to do this in my TK with or without any support. He graciously offered to attend the day with me knowing what it meant to me, and all my personal reasons for risking all and attending. My mother was afraid I was going to be shot! I can see her reasoning now, That as a big white stormtrooper, I'd be easy to see. My defense was, I'd rather get shot standing up for the things I believe in, supporting those that need, rather than do nothing and lose my integrity and live with shame and regret... she agreed. Then told me how proud she was that I was her daughter. (She's such a great mom) My brother is our Event Coordinator for part of our province. "Teresa, you just cannot go.... " YES, I can. Now more than ever, people need to stand together. We stand and troop for SO many other reasons and events! For many different people, causes and awarenesses..... WHY is this different??!!! It isn't any different! Of course, my brother knowing me, knew I would go. He is the biggest reason my heart leads me to stand up.... And speak out. He Began conversations with our CO, and other Legion staff. And debated. Quite frankly, I was shocked there even needed to be lengthy conversation at all! I thought we had come so much farther...I know Peter and Alan debated hard, along with others, and gratefully, it was decided, at a Garrison level, each respective Garrison could decide whether or not participating in a Pride event was something they felt was OK for their membership. Some Garrisons may not be in support, some would be. I am PROUD to say the Badlands Garrison is one of those Garrisons that openly support, celebrate, and accept its gay / lesbian/ transgender/bisexual members, and actively troop Pride Celebrations. Though, not all feel comfortable participating in any troops we could go to, of any cause, we each have that right to show up to the troops we believe in, or subscribe to. . Or not wish to go to. And not be judged or condemned whether we troop or not. We go to bring joy. Always. (And look amazing doing it.) I did not troop alone. ( and we were not shot. It was a beautiful, peaceful day full of families out and about!) I was joined by 5 other Garrison mates that traveled 5-8 hours one way to be with me. To share in this monumental day. This began The Original VI in our Garrison, and the cool Pride tshirts made up for all present. We proudly trooped. A troop like every other. Backdrop, banners, photo booth area, looking cool, making all smile. Surrounded by happiness, families enjoying their time together, and quietly celebrating why we were all there. "Oohing and ahhing", Just like every other event I've attended. We laughed, trooped, bonded, and yes, felt Pride to be there. To be included in the City's day. With its citizens. (We were treated very well, like guests of honor!) We also went with the blessings and support of messages, and wishes from our Garrison mates to do them all proud. Wishing they could be there with us few. (I live 5 hours drive one way from my closest Garrison mates) Evening came, and we made our way to the Party in White dinner and adult portion of the day. Everyone dressed in white, we enter the masses to a rousing disco SW medley! The excitement is high, and energy spectacular! What a great time to conga line through the crowd! My Garrison mates look at one another bewildered, questioning through gestures "Is she seriously going to conga? Can she see?" They shrug their shoulders, and follow my lead, in disbelief we are going to do this. Oh man we did it!!!!! And it's the best memory ever!!!!! Grande Prairie. First Pride. Disco conga line of stormtroopers and a Kylo. = amazement. We are graciously invited to stay for the class act show, and food, and the Mayor speaks. Making that day His city's Pride. Of course I had tears. (I weep openly, and this was moving) Yes. I was proud to be there. Not only for the monumental and historic day for this city, but more personally, for my Garrison that I love deeply. It was also monumental for its history, It's members, and all we collectively stand for as a group of individuals, of different races, varying religious beliefs, and sexual orientations. We are simply a group of caring, accepting people, that I was exceedingly proud to have beside me, as I am at any event we troop together. Of any kind. This event opened the door to other Pride events we participated in throughout our province. Calgary last September which saw 18 members at, and Edmonton this June, which had 12. Including the Original VI Present at all. Not only paved the way for our Garrison, but maybe for others as well. And I had the privilege of being introduced to THE ORIGINAL Pride Trooper from NYC.. Which I bear hugged this year at Celebration in Orlando. I was happy to meet that man!! Fast forward one year.... Here we are again. June 24th 2017 Pride Grande Prairie 2.0 I have a soft spot for this event. It will always hold a special place in my heart, as it marks great importance to me. Again, we had a booth for pics, with smiling children and their families marveling at our awesomeness , and the day was completed with Captain Phasma in a Traditional Native American circle dance with her big son and his wife. It was smoking hot, and I almost tripped over my damn big boots, but we did it! That was my big memory of this year... not a conga line, but sharing this day with my adult son, my daughter (as they attended for their second year) , participating in a circle dance with them, and SO many others all there to simply just celebrate one other. No matter our sexual differences, personal limitations, beliefs, or skin color. This year, I again had my incredible TK twin at my side, and on my other, was a gentleman I met and bonded with he and his wife the year prior at this event. His wife Tina is the creator of our beautiful tshirts, and he joined the Legion because of this day a year ago. Other Garrison members really wanted to come, but we also had our huge Ronald McDonald house Block Party troop the very next day. It's a long journey to me... The 3 of us trooped the family carnival, then grabbing another Trooper, jumped in our vehicles, and drove 5 hours through the night to join our Garrison for the House troop. I regret, there was no disco conga line this year.... And trust me, we were missed! People had planned to join us this year and were disappointed to not see us. This year I learnt there was also a childrens family dance. You would have found me there. With the kids, had we been able to stay. Ugh. So many events, so little time! I troop and give of myself for all. For anyone whose day we might brighten. For those in need, including my Garrison and Legion Brothers and sisters. Being part of a family requires love. Tolerance. Patience. Kindness. Acceptance. No matter whom we are personally, we are all a part of something bigger than we are as individuals. And we give of ourselves together. And when we do so, we are SO strong side by side. We are community. We are family. We are Legion. As always, with love and loyalty, Teresa TK 41307 SoulArt Badlands Garrison Alberta Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  24. Cute children Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
  25. YAY! Tapatalk is up! Woot Woot Enjoy! Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
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