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About PajamaTrooper

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    70th Explorers Garrison

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  1. TK-99237 requesting detachment access. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=32958
  2. TK-99237 approved! Second 501st approved kit!
  3. Welp, a lot has happened since the last time I posted! Submitted for approval today! (Had a bit of an issue with the right shin, luckily it wasn't in my approval photos.)
  4. Hey all! So I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to work on the build, but I managed to work on one of the thighs and mostly complete the left forearm. question is, with the 15mm cover strip on the back, it’s JUST too small for my forearm. How would I go about shimming it? The size of the gap on the back is definitely not the size I need, just showing where I’m at.
  5. Perfect! I have plenty of scrap ABS and this looks like a pretty elegant and simple solution.
  6. So I installed the snaps on my kidney, ab, chest, and butt plates. Seems to be holding nice, tight, and even, but the kidney plate is giving me troubles. The coverage on the sides is fine, no gap. But they flair out from behind the ab plate and no matter what I do I can’t seem to get them flush. Do I need to heat and reshape or maybe add support inside? Don’t mind the belt, I was just testing with it on.
  7. Coming along! Although I’m really nervous about starting all of the “two-parter” pieces. I have no idea where to start with biceps, gauntlets, thighs, shins, and cover strips. Are there some good comprehensive guides to getting those done?
  8. SO. I worked some more on the bucket, installed the lenses, messed with the ears a little (Although I think I’m through trying to get them perfect at this point) fixed the aerator screens, made the eyes sharper, and cut a bit more out of a few teeth. Then I trimmed the chest some more, the ab plate, butt plate, and kidney plate and did a (very) sloppy test fit. I’m very happy to report I very likely won’t need shims thanks to quarantine weight loss and with a test fit of one of the thighs I likely won’t need them there either! Very happy. (Excuse the mess, I just moved!)
  9. I’m ultimately extremely indecisive, so what I think I’m gonna do for now is finish out this build as a TK, and then convert to a TD down the road when my kit has some miles on it. Far easier to convert from TK to TD rather than back the other way! So I think I’ll continue this build here. Of course by tomorrow I’ll change my mind again.
  10. After redoing some old research on Sandies and looking into part costs, I think I might be leaving the shiny behind and dirtying things up. Should I move this thread over to the MEPD or continue here?
  11. Thanks for the input! I’ll definitely work on what was suggested. I’m actually having a difficult time deciding whether or not to keep it clean or go ahead and make this a TD build. Would save me time on the belt dropboxes and the thermal detonator and I absolutely love weathering. As far as I’m aware, the main differences between the two (Build wise) are: TD has no detonator, holster, belt dropboxes, or painted ab buttons. TD has white canvas shoulder straps. TD has pauldron and ammo pouches. TD has the hexagonal sniper knee plate. TD has additional rivets in several areas that are not on the TK. Anything I’m missing?
  12. Couldn’t wait. Pajama Trooper reporting for duty. Also trying to decide how much of a return edge I want on the chest plate. I trimmed to the mold line and left a thick edge, thinking I might trim it down significantly.
  13. My camera lens is kinda screwing with the perspective/proportions, but my bucket is assembled even after what I thought might be a couple of fatal errors! Turned out far better than last time, even if it’s far from perfect. Just aiming for basic approval, though. I’d rather build my TIE chest box over again 10 times before shaping another ear. As I wait for my new canisters of paint and some accessories to arrive, I’ll get started on the chest and back!
  14. Thanks all! My kit just showed up today, actually! I figured I would start at the top and work my way down, so after I’m done with the bucket I’ll get started on chest, back, and shoulders. Has anyone compiled measurements for what the return edges should be on every part? Would help me a lot when trimming.
  15. Bucket has been trimmed! Now for the ears. Oh god. Anyway, does this look good to y’all? Yes? No? Maybe so?
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