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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About thebearded1ne

Member Title

  • Position
    Expert Infantry

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California


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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    SoCal Garrison

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  1. ok, that should be everything for EI. It's all built to Centurion, but it looks like those photo requirements are a little different when I submit them. I have it all shot already for when that time comes. From looking at the reqs, it looks like a lot of off body shots of parts, which i can do quick no prob. My call outs on these pics are: - I'm an idiot and didn't catch that my belt that holds my thighs up was showing, its usually covered, but the one time I forget is of course now - I'm redoing the interior eventually. It functions perfectly with not gaps, but it could be prettier. There are not shims, I'm little enough to get away with no gaps without shims. Lemme know what you need me to switch up/tweak and if you need close ups of anything. I went off the EI photo checklist, and going through the CRL, it's all built to red specs, but let me know if you need more pics for the blue spec approval for EI right now. Thanks! Have a good night! TK42077 - todd
  2. Holster, chicago screws, etc (ammos boxes are sealed on backs)
  3. ha! no rush! I mean, this live chat on demand service is spectacular though!!! I'm uploading a couple more. This size restriction thing is killing me.
  4. Interior strapping (all nylon, not stretch) with duct tape reinforcing to prevent any gaps. Plates are all locked together and don't float. *** I am redoing the inside when I get a chance. It was super clean, but after a few days on Mando, I tape reinforced everything just to make sure nothing came apart. Blaster right Blaster left * highest level HFX blaster
  5. @justjoseph63 they're coming! I'm doing them in sections right now!
  6. helmet details, front/hovi (upgraded to centurion) back sides lens color
  7. Bucket off shot Bucket off shot (Gratuitous bucket off shot from the set of Mando!) Abdomen Details Action Shot Cod/Butt Plate Attachment
  8. Mandatory Information Name = Todd M. TK ID = 42077 Legion Profile = https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=24616 Garrison/Squad = Southern California Garrison, Orange County Squad Forum Name = thebearded1ne Armor = Anovos Helmet = Anovos Blaster= Hyperfirm (highest one they make) Optional Height = 5' 11" Weight = 175lbs Boots = TK Boots Ammo belt = Anovos Canvas belt = Replaced Anovos, don't remember, the same guy we all get them from Holster = Anovos Hand Plates = latex, justjoseph63 on FISD Electronics = wired mic into Aker amp, two fan system Neck Seal = anovos attaching pics as multiple sections due to size. First up: Front - arms at side Back - arms at side Left - arms at side Right - arms at side Left - arms up Right - arms up Left Zoom Right Zoom
  9. thanks @Dielotski and @Cricket! will check that thread out. my goods were in a white pillow case, clean, dry, and folded, and they still leached through the case and onto the armor. I've switched them to sealed ziplocks now. I'm not taking any more chances. Thankfully the belt should cover the area (lucked out), but still going to work on it. I'll check the thread. I've just got all the dremmel polishing tools in and enough Novus to wax a boat, so fingers crossed!
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