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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK-40147

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  • 501st Unit
    Canadian Garrison

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  1. http://501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=25330 todd murphy tk 40147. also is it possible to update my name i couldnt find a option for that
  2. they were like that so they can dance lol.. lets see u do a backflip in kit
  3. i can also confirm this... he is a friend of mine and he has the other clone of my armour. it is definatly TKUK and check the 501st for his number
  4. tkuk is awsome i dunno why all these people hating on it.. dont take my word for it check my posts and photos.. the clone copy of my armour was already approved. customer service is top notch he sent me a replacement part after i screwed up my buket
  5. yes use with a q-tip
  6. paint thinner and a scrapper
  7. Heat up the sides of ur kidney plate and push them in.. Careeeefullly heat it with a heat gun or torch and bend the sides towards your belly.. so its kinda like a clamshell.. that way u wont get that over hang on the sides from the front veiw
  8. thanks for the input. the backs on the bicepts i cant do much about tho i have 17in bicepts soo i had to improvise. these kits went built with buff guys in mind aha. thanks magni i will check the knee plate again. and my quads are large as well so i might have to figure something out there. i was thinking larger cover strips. but my supplier heard i had some trouble and sent me a new pair of legs for free
  9. TKUK here 6'1 230lbs
  10. Hi everyone just looking for helpful critique of thing i might need to do to improve the look of my kit. im 6'1 220 lbs so i had to make a few mods to get my bicepts and quads in the armour. looking for 501st standard approval. ANH stunt. im aware my back plate is low. as i didnt have a qualified eye to spot me while taking these pics.
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