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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK-1979

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  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply, I figured this was the case. I've also reached out on the Special Ops forum so hoping to hear back from them soon. Thanks again. Sent from my SM-A226B using Tapatalk
  2. I'm looking to add to my existing TK to achieve a Misty costume however I'm not seeing a CRL for the costume in either FISD or the Special Ops detachments, is this because it hasn't been authorised as a recognised costume yet? If so how would I go about initiating the process? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  3. First off, he didn't have to show his moulds to anyone, however if he does use his own molds to form his armour and he were to show them it would stop people accusing him of recasting someone else's work. Which brings me to another point you made "Is he hurting you" the answer is no he is not hurting me personally but if, and I repeat IF he is recasting the work of others he is "hurting" someone. Last point, TK's do not cost $3000! Mine is from a vetted member and cost £800 all in. And as I always like to end on a high, you look the business in the armour, nice build Trooper.
  4. I bought one of Ross's kits over a year ago after following build threads on the UKG forums. Ross is a great guy, extremely helpful and offers amazing advise.<br><br> I bought his 2mm capped TK armour, all I can say is it's an amazing kit to work with, the quality is top draw, very sturdy but also very flexible. I can't recommend this armour enough, if your UK based and looking for a great set of armour with amazing service and after service look no further.
  5. Indeed it was mate, very sorry to see him go .
  6. It looks as thought it's a few Garrisons allowing his armour, he has "evidence" of the French Garrison clearing his armour too. I only ask as I keep calling him out on Facebook where he reponds with those examples, looks like he has since deleted my comments too. Classy dude!
  7. Can any of our Canadian friend confirm the legitimacy of this?<br><br><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4183/34729411125_0d9596b9b6_z.jpg"alt="34729411125_0d9596b9b6_z.jpg">
  8. I think they're genric sound loops, but specifically generic if that make sence, for example during our last visit to Hollywood Studios, my daughter went running up to them and one of them said "woahh, slow down there youngling!" I wouldn't be surprised if most of the responces are controled within a glove remote and some are controled by a handler.
  9. Incredible Jim, such sharp detail, true craftsmanship.
  10. Check your PM's mate
  11. I did top and bottom on mine, no bite and a tone more manuverability, I can actually walk up and down stairs now!
  12. Marc I've just realised your a fellow City fan! Great to see another Blue on here, and your rockin the RWA, nice choice mate.
  13. How do these compare with ShearTechs rubber blasters?
  14. Any plans to add RWA to the list, quality set of armour that is becoming popular in the UK, theres a few Troopers who have gained EIB and Centurion Status with the kit.
  15. I used this stuff on mine: seems to hold well 20170409_111237 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr 20170409_111519 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr 20170409_111245 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr Works on NOMEX flight gloves too: 20161005_150326 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr 20161005_145947 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr 20161005_150219 by Danny Campbell, on Flickr
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