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Everything posted by TK_LEPER

  1. Cool, I'll try them. Thanks guys!

    Bone Head

    bone stormtrooper helmet
  3. What do you guys think of this?
  4. Also have an ATA lid in the works. The AP lid above might get dirty... I dunno?
  5. ----------- http://gallery.me.com/jawa_001/100528/han_trooper/web.jpg?ver=12888332030001
  6. I thought these looked interesting. There's no texture to them. ----------
  7. Cheap! I just ordered two sets of these. -----------
  8. Started building my ATA helmet last night. Looks pretty good.

  9. Very close to finishing my AP suit. Wrapping up on my helmet... but still waiting for my gloves/hand-guards from Karen. Once all that's taken care of, I should be ready for those TK numbers! :D

  10. First let me just say, you get what you pay for. It's especially true when purchasing armor. You will notice a difference in the look, feel, AND durability in the plastic. I own armor made of both ABS and HIPS... HIPS feel much more delicate to me. I've been making detonator end caps with HIPS, and it can tear easily if your not careful. I can't imagine wearing an entire suit made out out of it, and having it holding up for very long. But I guess that depends on how careful your are with it. And yes, one very important factor IS the thickness. But ABS still feels much tougher to me, it has more of a rubbery substance to it. And I would imagine it could take the stress more than HIPS could. So there! Jess
  11. HIPS feels softer to me. ABS seems more rubbery or something.
  12. I stopped at the Salvation Army today, found a leather belt to cut up for my holster straps.
  13. Thank you! Just finishing up the helmet now. Waiting for my flexi hand guards to get here... Then I think that should just about do it. Oh, and finish my holster... And for that matter, my blaster as well. LOL! I guess I have a few more steps than I realized. But I'm getting close!
  14. Started modifying this holster to look more accurate. I drilled out the rivets to install tan leather straps instead. I also sanded off the black paint on the snap there. I might stop at goodwill, they usually have lot's of cheap leather belts that I can cut apart for materials. Started rigging up the thighs to my ab plate I coated the inside of my helmet with a plastic resin material. Then used the Dremmel and sanded it as even as I could get it. I will coat it with a few layers of paint tomorrow. And at some point re-assemble the whole thing once again. It's feeling pretty solid though, just like I wanted it. I added some more detail to the chin with a small file I filled in the last hole in the frown, I had drilled one too many. Hoping a few coats of paint will cover up a lot of the scratches. I could use a bit of painter caulk to fill those in a bit.
  15. Looks like a made for TV movie, in a bad way.
  16. I was considering it at one point. I love the dirty look. But I don't like that pauldron. I will probably get a nicer one when I'm ready.
  17. Redoing my belt Probably won't use the gloves, holster is wrong, not sure if the neck-seal is even accurate. I might dissect this, and rebuild it ... properly. I like these, but their not accurate Stuffed the undersuit and neck-sel in there, just to get an idea of how it is looking I know this breaks all the rules, but ... no harm in looking. Stinky Boots! They have that new car smell X10!! Adding tabs to keep the thighs in place Should this be crooked? I lined it up on both sides the same. Need to paint the rivets I''l probably drill this rivet out, and redo this side a bit higher, so that the amo belt is straight.
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