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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarthChridan

  1. One word to this 'trooper'...... bäääääääääääääääääääh
  2. Holy s.h.i.t......that's an awesome stuff But one question...how thick is the material?
  3. Oooooh yes....really tricky
  4. Oooh man...that totally sucks!!! No more respect for other people's property.....but steal from the holster is really cheeky.
  5. Lol.... Oh Pat....what an amazing armour But hey...what shines on your chest armour?!?!...looks like a hot babe
  6. Looks freakin awesome, Stefan
  7. It's simply easy...there were sundry stunt helmets in the movie and therefore there is nothing the same stuff on the shelf. And therefore the demand...look at the reference pics further up.
  8. Woooah John...really porn
  9. Congrats for the next step, Sven
  10. Whoooo Steve...great work on your suit I like your work. Well...i'm also finished soon...at the moment i make the strapping from the torso.
  11. I agree with this words.... Thank you Paul for great 5 years
  12. Hey Peter... congrats for this awesome kit. Have a nice time to build this great armour...and like Paul said, take your time and feel free to ask if you have any questions about your build. Btw...nice holiday area....you certainly have my envy
  13. Thanks mate...and now it goes on with the next part.
  14. I had previously made ​​a mistake ...but Steve has helped me a lot...thanks mate I just noticed, that the edge under the cover stripe it does not fit...... and here it fits- http://i1133.photobu...ld/IMG_0860.jpg Before- After- Now I have to live with it ... I think dennis had the same 'problem', because, it's the same on his right thigh part on this edge.... http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7161/6413006439_e9feb3f298_b.jpg
  15. Jesse.. that looks really sweet ...great work on your suit so far.
  16. Yes, for the counters we're looking for
  17. I had unfortunately not yet the enjoyment.....not yet
  18. Yes...that's true...the ANH blaster has scope rails in the wide of "0.59/1,5cm...the ESB has a wide of "0.79/2,0cm
  19. It would be nice if it were so
  20. Hey Mathias...which counter is it?...a H oder an eagle counter?!? ....the light doesn't lets recognize it
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