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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarthChridan

  1. You old costum"Na.i" Congrats for the next EIB
  2. Hey Stefan...great pix from the armor....good luck with the EIB. But i think you have no problems....... Geiles Teil
  3. ....then I said nothing I wrote, "i think"
  4. Hello.. i think it's from VT-"Vac Trooper". Good stuff and a beautiful helmet
  5. The fx does not please him surely soon longer...why not equal one ap?!?!...for example Only a question....
  6. Hey Damian, great armor and welcome to the ranks trooper
  7. I find the TK boots more comfortable and more beautifully...but that is matter of taste... As already wrote Lou, i take the TK boot for the TK and the Caboots for the TD too. In any case one has now more alternative
  8. Ja gut, vllt nicht gleich ein neues Konto, das wäre auch zu arg....aber wie du schon geschrieben hast...ich würde da evtl auch hippelig werden jedoch würdde ich da auch nachhaken und fragen was genau Sache ist. Ich denke, das ist das Einzige was dir übrig bleibt...
  9. Ich würde auch sagen, lass es so wie's ist und fertig. Richard hat's meiner Meinug nach plausibel erklärt. Ansonsten wenn die dumm kommen, machste einfach 'n neues Konto auf. Aber hey...deinen Umsatz hätte ich auch gerne auf meinem Konto
  10. All the best Mark Btw....i need soon new belts Cheers...
  11. It's just the teeth black and the tubestripes blue
  12. Really!?! cool, a "german" trooper, eh!?!....it's 350km away from me.... Greetings from a other german trooper Ok, i think she is small but mighty...also a good trooper and sure larger than luke Cheers....
  13. Great looking armor and girl :leia: .........but your wife is to short for a stormtrooper
  14. Dan, you're awesome crazy...really. I am glad to see soon the armor live.....
  15. Hey Tim, your suit looking good...i think you to get no problems for the EIB status.
  16. Guys...that was 30 years ago...puuh...kids, as years go by Cool pix...
  17. Congrats on making EIB and welcome to the ranks
  18. I don't know what to say...you to cracy for this galaxy Now, is'nt suitable with the armor lol Great pix
  19. Normal black matt from a spray can available in our galaxy As usual
  20. Autsch Äääähm. i mean "where's a grappling hook.......?" Oh man..... ..but, i forgive you I work on it.
  21. I know i know It's coming next in our galaxy...... I give my best ....who's a grappling hook?!?!
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