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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarthChridan

  1. You're so da....n right^^ This is mine ESB helmet by Troopermaster....and i love it so much It's the 2mm high gloss version....for the armour i used the 1mm TM. This is very comfortable and very sharb in the details and very flexible and very strong and and and Cheers...
  2. Impressive....most impressive :vader1:
  3. Hi David... the important thing is, before you use the e-6000, masking with adhesive tape. Then glue a strip along the surface and apply paint smooth with a wood spatula, so there is a smooth adhesive film. The slogan "less is more" is therefore correct ...it's should enough for one side, by "pressing" of the clamp is squeezed out some glue. Try something with residual materials...practically a test trial. I have also made this....so you learn to know the characteristics of the adhesive. Hope this helps....good luck with you build, mate... Cheers... Dan PS: Should something go wrong .... no fear, the adhesive can be easily removed
  4. Yeah man... that would be very great...what i say...that would be really freakin awesome I hope this is in the near future And i noticed the uk guys are all TM addicted
  5. You guys looking good, Steve... great pics with very great accurate armor i like the ESB style as well. Maybe we can together trooping Cheers...
  6. The greatest awesome armor i've ever seen. I'm proud to have this armor....i love it^^

  7. Hey Noel... really great work on your TM ESB suit
  8. Hey Congrats Dennis for making Centurion-Status The TM ANH armor looks very awesome Cheers... Dan
  9. Hey Mathias... Congrats for your CENTURION status Cheers... Dan
  10. Yeah Stefan... great suit and really great work on your both versions ...what i say... Congrats for the CENTURION status ...but at this set it was presupposed Gut gemacht alte Socke...ich hoffe ich komme da auch mal hin ...bin schon am zusammen düdeln Cheers... Dan
  11. ..perhaps he's busy
  12. Hey bro...the next visit from you in germany, together we eat many chicks ^^ :P


  13. Hey Noel... awesome to see you've a TM armor in progress my TM armor is arrived at this week....and i must say....i love it Cheers...
  14. noooooooooooooooo....shaaaaame....i mean "HAPPY BIRTHDAY""

    Oh god....embarrassing :P

  15. Huhu...auch meinen Senf dazu geb Das sind kleine wiiiinzige Schleifkörner, die wie der Dan schreibt, die obere Schicht abtragen und gleichzeitig die Lackschicht auf hochglanz poliert...bei uns in der Branche schimpft sich das Zeug "Schleifpolitur/paste" Natürlich gibt's das Zeug auch in verschiedenen Ausführungen.... Gruss...
  16. Hehehehe...who helped you get up again?! ... the dog?! .....and then no underwear iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih Ok....great work on EIB!!!! Cheers...
  17. Fauler Sack
  18. Yes...it's all remained intact...otherwise there are good focal points here in the forum. Cheers...
  19. Hi Justin... so far so good. Is the same mod just like the MRCE...for a long time ago i've done this job as well. Look at this topic, there are a few good tips for you...if you need- ----- Cheers, Daniel
  20. Merry christmas guys, a happy new year and stay "clean" I am already fully eaten....i hope I still fit in my armor purely Cheers....
  21. Hey Jimmy... sry, i do not have read all posts, but how about with TK 501st VoiceAmp Creations?!?! http://501st-creations.co.uk/index.htm It is not a static burst present, but however it's a great sound. I've used both..."RomFX" and "501st Creations/ NanoAmp"...sounds in both the sound equally well, except the difference-"static burst" Here is my voice amp-test from the "NanoAmp"...but attention, it's in german so, does not listen to the drivel- Cheers...
  22. Jesus...what a monster The counter is awesome :o
  23. :o :o AWESOME.....now I want the TM in any case ... i could already live inspect often. Horny THING @Mark: Yes...it's the wrong side...inside the leg he has marked L But he will have already noticed yourself...and has himself bitten in the an impolite person
  24. Hey Pat... i like to write again ... I have not criticized your person or your work negatively. On the contrary, what have you done with it is really great...but this I wrote in the first post from me I just wanted to explain, in my view, that the expense would be too high for me personally easy. Because I've the mrce helmet also completely disassembled and painted... http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=6506 again?...no thanks ...you will always see that it is a MRCE, despite mod...and for this money to get more accurate stuff!!! Helmet-99€, material50-70€, working hours-ca. 25h, wage-almost priceless ...my opinion- I just wrote, there is a basis "more accurate", particularly as relates to the MRCE. Your skills on the blaster - phenomenal. The "HASBRO" blaster itself is not my taste....your version is another liga. Respect to the title of "German boy"...that has not really bothered me. The last post in relation to Dennis, who was a little off. Above all, I was surprised that you were so fast "aggressive". But now let us bury the hatchet and let us give the virtual hand. and should you ever come back to Germany and we meet us on an event, then we will drink a beer So that was it now from my site....good night!!!
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