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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DarthChridan

  1. Ääääh....no If the charging handle is pushed into the slot with the cylinter, how did you get the cylinder on the pins?!?!?!?....in the slot I've glued the charging handle on the rear bolt now.... Edit: Ok...now i unterstand what you mean.... ...you have the cylinder accurately adapted to the slot!?! I adjusted the lever in the rail/slot....as you can see on my pic.
  2. Hurry up Steve...wear it but looks cool.
  3. Hey Martin... how did you get the complete bolt rear into the blaster?!?!
  4. Smile my dear boy....smile Looks great so far ...nevertheless the rotj armor is not my case...but that is a matter of taste But i unterstand what you want...all three episodes armors. Then i want to see your hobby room
  5. Oooh, too cute, with loop http://img.photobuck...11/DSCF1347.jpg ...but you have no fear to put together the parts without the use with masking tape at the overlap area?!...is that E-6000? Cheers...
  6. Hey guys... then you are glad, that you came safely escapes. Otherwise...good to hear, that the storm was not as bad as predicted
  7. Oooh man....our radio stations report that the hurricane in the afternoon german time meets on new york....that thing should be as big as Europe God bless New York and the rest of the east coast.
  8. Well, you used a fine brush for the ingraved text?!?..or what?
  9. Cool...great work on it..
  10. Hey Martin... that's a great idea with the rear bolt
  11. Ach...komm her...*drück*
  12. Die HP von der German Garrison ist wieder online! Also, ihr könnt wieder pausenlos drauflos tippen
  13. We agree on almost all
  14. Good boy...good boy
  15. Ok...but this is the 'luke-trooper' chest....anyway he was too small.. But the matter on the left tigh armor with the finish stripe, that i would change.
  16. Sry, i don't mean the shoulder bells ...i mean this- ------------- But like i wrote, this is only my opinion Otherwise a really great ESB build mate ....i like especially the helmet with the high browtrim. Cheers....
  17. Wow... a good looking ESB trooper so far.... ...which armor is it? ...but i think the shoulder stripes are glued too wide in the area, if you unterstand what i mean. But that is only my opinion
  18. Ah...ok. then i've not said anything Otherwise the set looks very nice....really good TK.
  19. Are there only one rivet/ snap?!? https://lh6.googleus...52013.33.06.jpg ...it lacks the left snap.
  20. Hey guys... I can only say ... the stuff by doopydoos is highly recommended ...the stuff was shipped at 08:08....today the kit is arrived.....and the kit itself....WOW....what a great stuff. I can say...Doopydoos, any time again Here a few pics- ---------
  21. Lol...da prallen Welten aufeinander....wa Keine Sorge Rick....ich weiss das zu verstehen, wie du es gemeint hast Ich bin nur manchmal zu faul, Wörter komplett auszuschreiben....wie z.B. das Wort 'nicht'. Das heisst dann bei mir ab und an 'net' Ein Beispiel aus der Pfalz: "Hör mer uff, des geht net...." Awwer stimmt, die Ruhrpottler ham auch äner an de Klatsche mit ihrm Dialekt ^^ Oh, ich muss aufpassen....sonst verfalle ich wieder der dunklen Seite des Dialektes Hier mal ein Komdian aus unserer Region...vllt ist er bei ja euch bekannt?!?!- ...man muss hinzufügen, er stellt verschiedene Charaktere da....dieser hier ist der absolute Abschuss Der Witz ist, das ist ein Halb-Türke der den "Monnemer" (Mannheimer)- Dialekt perfekt beherrscht^^ Oh ja...hab mich mal versucht mit einem aus der schottischen Ecke zu unterhalten...ich hab entnervt abgewunken
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