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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Caligari

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    Forum Upgrade Team

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  • Location
    Seattle, WA

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Garrison Titan

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  1. Good morning Rick!


    I recently stumbled upon your HWT backpack build thread and noticed that at one point you had two oil pan options, and were going to pick one to use. Did you ever decide, and if you went with the Wedco, do you happen to still have the Bavarian can laying around somewhere? I ask because I’m starting my own HWT build, and Bavarian closed shop in the past year, so I can’t find their oil can any more. I’d be interested in purchasing yours if you didn’t end up using it.


    In the same vein, did you ever go into production with your box cover templates? I’m with you in my like for straight lines and rounded corners, but unfortunately I don’t have the means to make the cuts like you did.


    BTW, cool that you're in Seattle. I was born in Burien and have enjoyed going back on several occasions. Thanks in advance for your assistance!




    Your HWT build: 


  2. We have a fair amount of birthday and wedding troops in our garrison too. Maybe folks are more well behaved in the PNW, haha.
  3. Thanks for starting this topic. Most of all, thank you, Wyatt, for all you've done for FISD and all your wonderful swag!
  4. Looks like there might be a typo with the space pack? I just see " Template:CRL-tk-anh-spacepack "
  5. Fantastic build thread! Can't wait to see the finished pack!
  6. Donation sent, PP ID # 3EA7208748507604W
  7. Fantastic work again, everyone! Thanks!
  8. That looks fantastic!!!
  9. Stop by the Hellbent Brewing event and your celebratory Imperial Ales are on me!
  10. A well deserved congratulations, Paul!!!
  11. Fantastic guide...THANKS!!!
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