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About tk9948

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    Neon City Garrison

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  1. I do have the 3d file for the backpack if interested
  2. You are absolutely correct, in my liking how well it was turning out, I forgot to fill in the non needed details, gonna fix and repost some new pics....we can call this WIP
  3. Converted my original sculpt into the SW Resistance version, going to mold this up and it will be available at KB Props on FB or if interested PM me here!!!
  4. Just to quell the rumors.....It was suggested, that I recast the td I am now offering, this could not be farther from the truth... Here is the 3d model I made in Solidworks. I 3d printed it on my Raise N2+ 3d printer . I did state in a previous post that I had seen the mouse's version and I did upgrade my molds with better details to be more accurate, but recast.....please, I have no need to......
  5. As you have all had a chance to read the misinformation, let me set everyone straight. I made some sales that were not deliverable due to bad plastic, this situation repeated itself 3 times. I was forced to buy small amounts of plastic (per Sheet), the supplier I use is the only one that sells per sheet. As a result they sent me old stock that was contaminated with moisture, since the 4x8 sheets needed to be cut down to 2x2 , I was unable to return them, hence so many B-grade sales. I handled this poorly and I am to blame for the way it was handled , I take full responsibility. I was approched by Hal and his GF for a phasma kit, I was paid a deposit the day it was picked up, the balance was never paid. Hal invited me to join his shop, making promises of supplying aluminum holsters for my kits as I supplied him with the file to cut them out. This never happened. During the course of stay at the shop, many promises were made by Hal. At the time of the TLJ premiere we met Shaun , he came into the shop with 40+ tie & At-At kits some built ,most in kit form. He stated he made the molds for Anovos for the fotks and that he finished the job and took the molds with him, he also stated he had 60+ FOTK sets he was willing to give to the shop as long as he got a cut of the sales. After borrowing money from Hal and wasted fett, suspicions began to surface regarding his legitimacy. As it turned out he stole all the armor kits he had from Anovos/Skin Shop. Hal made contact with Dana head of Anovos and confirmed what we thought, all kits were returned to Anovos, In Hal's convo with Dana, he informed him that we had seen the new armor and that my molds were being updated as a result, which I posted on my FB page the updates I made. Shortly after this Hal took a Discovery channel job, using my fotk molds to make 5 sets of armor for them. He never asked my permission, I walked in on him pulling parts and the electrician doing the leds there. Only after I asked Jsin what was happening, as my kits were not being pulled, I found out about the discovery job. Jsin stated that Hal was going to pay him for pulling the armor, but he never got paid. Hal also decided to use my flame trooper molds to make his friend a power ranger or something like that costume, he pulled 5 pieces and heat gunned them to reform them and cut them to fit his frame, but you can clearly see it is a flame trooper chest plate. Again not asking my permission or offer to reimburse me for using my property. In my opinion he felt that if it was in his shop he had the right to do what ever he wanted......WRONG. I posted a revenge of the 5th sale on my page with 5 slots on the post, I had 1 interest that I added to the post, Hal answered all the PMs and made 7 sales all with the money going to him as friends and family. This is what caused the end of me being in the shop. He claims he put out all this money, when in fact he asked for a Cardinal set of armor to troop with phasma, he got his kit, never did he try or offer to repay me. He was wanting to use that balance as my shop rent. I paid 2 months rent and Jsin paid 2 months rent, since Jsin was working under me, a total of 4 months were paid in rent. Hal claiming he put out money for the ABS is a complete lie as it was wasted fett, Geeky Pink and Tristan a good friend that put the money forward, Hal did not contribute anything to the ABS, he did purchase styrene and petg. Tristan put it all on his credit card, and Hal forwarded the money from WF and GP to Tristan. When Hal was confronted on how the money from sales was to be distributed he got upset because I did not agree with the way he was deciding the split. I told him that he needed to discuss all decisions with me before implementation, he then told me to come get my stuff as he was kicking me out of the shop. As a result he is holding one of my 3d printers hostage saying I own him for the electrical hook up.....there was never any verbal or written contract stating I was responsible for the electricity hook up , Hal said he did not mind spending the money as I was joining him. I made many mistakes, I own them and am making it right for my customers and myself. I have nothing to hide, to be completely honest, when all is said and done I will be handling this in a professional manner outside of the forums.
  6. As with all of my molds, I make the legs (Thighs) deep and tall for trimming down to fit multiple sizes. Never been fond of one size fits if your lucky armor builds.
  7. Never had a problem with bondo, it pulls great!
  8. Sorry troops its been awhile since I posted an update. PC crashed.......anyway here are some progress pics!!!
  9. Death Trooper Grenade DT & ST Shins roughed in
  10. I will be knocking out the shins next for both the shore and DT
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